FG to Close Adeniji Adele-Falomo Road for Repairs from Monday

 Bennett Oghifo 

 The federal government has announced that it would close the road from Adeniji Adele-Falomo for rehabilitation on Monday, May 13, as part of the extension of the emergency repairs of Third Mainland Bridge.

A statement issued yesterday by the Federal Controller of Works, Lagos, Mrs. O. I. Kesha, said: “From Monday, 13th May, 2024, the federal government through the Federal Ministry of Works wish to inform the motoring public that Adeniji Adele-Falomo will be closed for rehabilitation works in sections, progressively from Falomo roundabout to Adeniji Adele (both bounds). 

“It is noteworthy to mention that a closed section will be rehabilitated completely and open to traffic before changing to another section.

“However, motorists will be diverted to adjacent streets to the closure points to connect to alternative routes onward to their destinations.

“The first section of the closure will be from Glover Junction-Falomo.

“Motorists are therefore required to use alternative routes. Consequent upon the above, Motorists are further advised to cooperate with the traffic management officials deployed to manage traffic and ensure hitch- free movements in order to minimise the discomfort during this rehabilitation period.

While thanking the general public for their continued cooperation and support, please note that the federal government is committed to providing lasting infrastructures for the comfort and benefit of road users.”

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