Cross River APC Chieftain Charges Members on Unity,  Performance

Sunday Okobi

Members and supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Yakurr Local Government Area of Cross River State have been charged on unity, dedication and commitment to the party, and to ensure that the party continues to gain more grounds and visibility in the area.

This charge was given by the state Commissioner for Special Duties and Intergovernmental Relations, Oden Ewa, during the unveiling ceremony of the LGA party secretariat building, which he donated to the party.

He said the motivation for the project was because of his public-spirited nature and the need to have a befitting party secretariat for the local government, which is the biggest local government in the state and also with massive followers in the party, noting that it was only natural for the local government to have a functional secretariat for the members to congregate at all times.

Ewa tasked the members to continue to support the party and ensure that the party is in the lead not only in the LGA but in the state, and that their loyalty would be handsomely rewarded in the coming months with the dividends of democracy, as his office and the state Governor, Senator Bassey Edet Otu, have lined up series of projects for the LGA for the massive support they gave to the party in the 2023 general election.

According to the commissioner, “We are at a crucial juncture, and our unity is paramount for the party’s growth. Let us work together hand in hand to strengthen our collective position. Together, we can achieve remarkable milestones and serve our constituency better.”

The secretariat was formally inaugurated by the state APC Chairman, Aiphonsus Oga, who was represented by Honourable Matthew Egong.

He commended Ewa for his commitment to the growth of the party in the state, welfare of his people and for donating the building, which he said would be deployed to good use by the party.

Aside donating the party secretariat, Ewa also donated N5 million to the party for its outstanding performance during the 2023 governorship election while 1, 000 bags of rice and other items were also donated to the party members by him to mark the Yuletide celebration.

Among those in attendance at the event was the state deputy governor, Peter Odey, who also made a donation of N500, 000 to the party.

Others included the member representing Yakurr I constituency in the state House of Assembly, Cyril Omini; state Commissioner for Aviation, Captain Eno, Hon Efoli, and some party stalwarts and traditional rulers.

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