Saba: FG Will Use Fuel Subsidy Removal Proceeds to Revamp Economy

Hammed Shittu in Ilorin

A member of the House of Representatives representing Edu/Moro/Patigi Federal Constituency of Kwara State, Hon. Ahmed Adamu Saba has said that the proceeds from the recent  fuel subsidy removal by the federal government will soon be used to add more values to the socio-economic livelihood of Nigerians.

Saba however appealed to all Nigerians to continue to be more patient with the government in the ongoing effort to revamp the nation’s economy.

Speaking in Tsaragi town in Edu local government council area of the state during the empowerment programme organised for over 200 people of his federal constituency, Saba explained that, “I’m an economist, I don’t see what is happening today as hardship but as a process because the suffering we are passing through today is going to be joy tomorrow”.

He said, “In the past, people are making money through subsidy. They didn’t supply but they are making money. They give you exchange rate, you were selling dollars in the parallel market and they are making money at the expense of we people. 

“You see fuel stations everywhere, they will take fuel from Lagos to here in Edu but they won’t bring it and they were making money. Now government say no to all these things. Whatever money we are going to generate, let us use it for another thing.”

Saba added, “Look at the Central Bank today, they have shown their dividends and profits they have made so far. Other organisations too are making money. Go and check the profile of FIRS. The money is coming would be used to cushion the effects of fuel subsidy removal which we are suffering today. So, tomorrow there will enough for all of us to eat.

“This is part of what we are doing here today as a palliative. All of us should get prepared. My concern for everybody in this country including the press is that they let people know the right thing that this government has taken a right step in the right direction because everybody will be able to stand for him or herself in the nearest future. 

“But, if we want to continue so that few ones will continue to take our money, take our resources and we are supporting them, it means we are going to live in abject poverty and that is why we are saying.  That is why this government stands very firmly on this issue. We know in the first place, it will pain you, that is why President Tinubu always say we Nigerians should bear with the situation because it is going to be good for all of us.”

He noted that  “This is part of palliative measures aimed at cushioning the effects of subsidy removal and it is part of constituency projects. After the training, the trainers, i.e the facilitators will give them equipment and money base on the training they receive because the training is for different categories. This will enable them to go and start their own business.

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