Judge, BOSAN Decry Govt’s Refusal to Obey Court Judgements, Poor Working Condition

Wale Igbintade

The Body of Senior Advocates of Nigeria, (BOSAN), and a retired Judge of the Federal High Court, Justice Oluremi Oguntoyinbo, yesterday decried the poor salary structure of Nigerian Judges, saying that the condition of serving judicial officers was appalling.
The Body of Senior Advocates stated this in Lagos, at the valedictory court session in honour of Justice Oguntoyinbo, who retired from Bench of the Federal High Court.

Specifically, BOSAN speaking through, Dr. Wale Babalakin, SAN, said the present remuneration of judges in Nigeria cannot attract the best of hands into the judiciary.
He cited the example of the Western Region, stressing that government of the Western States paid judges salaries higher than that of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, (CBN).

This according to Babalakin was done to attract the best of brains into the judiciary and impacted positively on the judicial system of the region at the time.
His words “Let me say categorically that only the lawyers and Judges in active practice can consciously save the judiciary. If we rely on those who are temporarily in government to positively enhance the judiciary we will have to wait for a very long time.
“It’s time we come together and fight for ourselves. Let us get together and save the judiciary. As a son of a Judge, of the old Western States, I am alarmed, and disappointed about the condition of service of the Judiciary.
“I am unable to relate with it. I am unable to compare it with the Judiciary I knew in my childhood. We have witnessed the deterioration of the judiciary while we fold our arms, and watch as things go down.

“I’m calling on the Senior Advocates who are making tons of money through this system to know that we have to protect and enhance the judiciary.
“I can give you a hint, in 1964 the salary of a high court judge of the old Western States was higher than the salary of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. That was because the Western States consciously decided to attract the best to the Bench, and make them very comfortable and ensure they lacked nothing. We must fight for our profession,” Babalakin added.
In his welcome address, the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court Justice John Tsoho commended Justice Oguntoyinbo for having served the court and the nation for 10 meritorious years with her health and integrity unscathed.

Tsoho said, “It is a great achievement for a judge to serve especially this country and retire without blemish.
“Justice Oguntoyinbo could be profiled as peaceful, very firm, friendly, humane, honest, generous, incorruptible, and hard working. She is very dogged in the pursuit of her rights and entitlements.”

In her speech, Justice Oguntoyinbo expressed displeasure over flagrant disobedience of court judgements, stressing that her judgement which ordered federal government to recover pensions collected by former governors now serving as ministers and members of the National Assembly was yet to be obeyed almost four years after.

She said, “I remember with pride my landmark judgment in suit no. FHC/L/CS/1497/2017 delivered in november, 2019 – Registered Trustees of Socio – Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) VS. The Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice; where i ordered that states should urgently institute appropriate legal action to challenge the legality of state laws permitting former governors who are eventually Senators and Ministers to enjoy retirement emoluments while drawing normal salaries and allowances in their new political office and to identify those involved and seek full recovery of public funds from the former Governors.

“Regrettably, that order is yet to be obeyed. I find it very disappointing that court orders are often not obeyed. If there’s anything i wish to change, it is the impunity wards judicial decisions and the disrespect for the bench.

“I also feel saddened by the inadequate recognition of the work of judges despite the high qualifications for appointment to the bench and the pitiable salaries of judges which have remained static for several years.”

She also complained about the pitiable salaries of judges which have remained static for several years.

“I am retiring ahead of my time because i had surgery to reset my right hand in October, 2022, which needed six months to heal. I had suffered this ailment since 2019, but continued with my job since being a judge in Nigeria requires significant writing.

“As one who enjoys writing, I could not imagine how to continue to serve as a Judge without being able to write. This coupled with my husband’s encouragement, brought about the decision to retire from the bench.

“I have heard from some sources that there is plan to increase the retirement age of Judges from 65 to 70 years. It is my humble submission that in view of the circumstances prevailing in our country, retirement age for Judges should remain at 65 years unless the government is ready to put infrastructure in place to avoid long handwriting for Judges which in itself results in deterioration on the health of the Judges.

“Apart from that, there should be in place, mechanism to discourage frivolous litigations on the part of the lawyers and appropriate remuneration for the Judges.”

In his remarks, the Lagos State Attorney General Mr. Moyosore Onigbanjo SAN, commended Justice Oguntoyinbo for her impartiality, fairness, and fearless approach to the dispensation of justice.

Onigbanjo said Oguntoyinbo demonstrated a deep commitment to upholding the rule of law, protecting the rights of the vulnerable, and ensuring that justice is done in every case before her.

He said, “In addition to her judicial duties, Justice Oguntoyinbo has also contributed significantly to the development of alternative dispute resolution in Nigeria.”

Also speaking, the Attorney General of Ogun State Mr. Oluwasina Ogungbade SAN, described Oguntoyinbo as a firm judge, diligent and prolific who will not allow lawyers to unnecessarily delay cases in her court.

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