Has Eko Bridge Been Closed Permanently?

Notes for File

Will the Eko Bridge ever be opened? This is one question Lagosians have been asking the federal government since the bridge, which is a major route to Lagos Island and Mainland was shut down over a year ago.

When the federal government announced the closure of the bridge for repairs following a fire outbreak at the Apongbon end of the bridge, many Lagosians had thought it would only last for one or two months, considering the strategic importance of the bridge.

Acting Federal Controller of Works in Lagos, Forosola Oloyede had announced the closure.

Now the shut down of the entire Eko Bridge from Ijora Olopa due to another fire incident beneath the bridge has made commuting in the city a serious problem.

Though the state government provided alternative routes like the Carter Bridge and Third Mainland Bridge, the continued closure of the bridge has become a nightmare for motorists and commuters that are making their way into the island and out on a daily basis.

When THISDAY visited the sections of the bridge that were affected by the inferno at Apongbon and Ijora Olopa, the contractors were not even seen on site.

What excuse will the federal government give for delaying the completion of the bridge?

Not only is the non-completion of the bridge putting serious pressure on the Third Mainland Bridge, it is also affecting the health of many Lagosians who daily go through serious stress to get to the Island and back through the alternative routes.

Throughout the entire presidential and governorship campaigns, road users in Lagos passed through hell on the roads in the state.

Unfortunately, the Minister of Works, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, who interestingly, was a former governor of the state has remained silent.

It is even shocking that the Lagos State government, which knows the importance of the bridge to the people of the state, and the implications of its closure both on the health of the people and the economy has remained completely silent.

The question is: Has the federal government closed the bridge permanently?

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