Faleke on Rotation of Governorship: It’s Turn of Kogi West for Fairness, Justice

*Let there be equity, Okun Devt Association pleads with gov

Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja and Ibrahim Oyewale, Lokoja

The House of Representatives member and former running mate to the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate in 2015 in Kogi State, Mr James Abiodun Faleke, has lent his voice to the issue of power shift in the state, saying it was the turn of Kogi West to produce next governor.
This is as the renowned Okun Development Association (ODA), has also appealed to Governor Yahaya Bello, to ensure Equity, justice and fairness in the choice of his successor.

In a statement signed by Faleke, he said, “I wish to add my voice to the various opinions being expressed by many on the vexed issue of which part of Kogi State should produce the next governor, it has become imperative for me to let Kogites know my stand irrespective of my decision not to participate in the primaries for reasons I stated earlier.

“For equity, justice and fairness, it is only reasonable to lend my voice to the call by many that our great party, the All Progressives Congress should ensure the candidate for the governorship election emerged democratically from Kogi West. For a heterogeneous state such as Kogi State, giving all parts of the state a sense of belonging is key to peaceful coexistence among the several ethnic groups in the state.
“For more than 16 years, our brothers from the Eastern Senatorial District held sway in Lugard House through the late Prince Abubakar Audu, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris and Captain Idris Wada respectively.

“Kogi Central by the end of the tenure of Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello would have been in the saddle for eight years, uninterrupted.
While not discounting the right of those concerned to contest for any office, I believe that the time has come to be just and fair to all.
“The clamour for power shift pre-2015 by Kogi West and Kogi Central was to correct the marginalisation of the two Districts in the Governorship seat. My position is not premised on any sense of entitlement but on the ideals of equity and fairness which late Abubakar Audu preached before his untimely death.
“The victory of our great party, APC in 2015 especially in Kogi West was the avowed commitment of late Prince Abubakar Audu to ensure power shifts to other parts of the State. APC cannot afford to be in opposition in Kogi State and all hands must be on deck to make sure to convincingly win in the November 22, 2023 governorship.

“There are several states in Nigeria where governorship positions are rotated amongst the three Senatorial Districts with attendant Peace, unity and progress, why must we be different?
“We must eschew things that could continually engender bitterness, distrust and disunity amongst us especially, when deciding on who should be the Chief Executive of this great State. What should  be of importance is our collective quest and preparedness to engender a united Kogi State for socio-political and economic prosperity.

“The realization of a long-term dream of a state that is secure and prosperous with its diverse demography peacefully coexisting should be paramount in our minds. This can only happen if we collectively decide on fairness, equity and justice.”
Also, in a statement by its President-General, Femi Mokikan ODA recalled that, “The history of the creation and governance of our dear state is very well known that we need not recount the details here. Similarly, the composition of the various nationalities that constitute the East, Central and West Senatorial Districts that make up the State are well known.

“Since the commencement of democratic governance in Nigeria, the East Senatorial District of Kogi State has produced the Governor of the state at various elections and cumulatively governed the state for 19 years to the exclusion of the other two senatorial districts. This trend would have extended to 23 years, but for providence. May the soul of our former Governor, Prince Abubakar Audu, continue to rest in His bosom.

“We will all recall that this lopsided trend in governance naturally made the Central and West Senatorial Districts uncomfortable and frustrated. Notwithstanding, we lived peacefully together in the state. The two districts handled the situation with a lot of maturity for the sake of the state’s progress and development.  
“Following Providential intervention in 2015, Kogi Central Senatorial District took up the baton. By the end of the second term in January 2024, Kogi Central, represented by His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello, would have completed eight years in office.

“Your Excellency, you will recall that the issue of Power Rotation among the three Senatorial districts in the state was more or less the only issue for discussion among the people of Kogi Central and Kogi West before the general election of 2015. One would be right to submit that your coming to office through that election brought relief of varying degrees to all parts of the state.

“You will also recall, Your Excellency, that the campaign leading to the 2019 election, which was for your second term in office, was particularly challenging. ODA took up the challenge decisively, God gave us victory, and you were returned for a second term.
“It is instructive to remind ourselves that the main complaint of the people of Kogi Central and Kogi West Senatorial districts was that it was against fairness, equity and natural justice for one of three senatorial districts to hold on to power for 16 years back-to-back while the other two senatorial districts stand-by as onlookers.

“Now that the second term of Kogi Central is coming to an end, the fairest, most equitable and most just thing to do in order to continue to promote peaceful coexistence and sense of belonging of all is to concede to Kogi West Senatorial District the opportunity to produce the Governor of the state for the next dispensation.

“This is not as a matter of entitlement. It is more to meet the minimum standard of fairness, equity and justice, in addition to promoting peaceful and brotherly coexistence. It is the only right thing to do in the circumstance.”

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