Culinarians Seek Improved Access to Ingredients, Local Recipes

Omolabake Fasogbon.

Culinary experts have sought for enhanced distribution of ingredients and shopping access for locally made recipes during an industry conversation recently.

According to them, this became important for players to boost exploration and expedite active growth in the industry. 

The conversation which held on Twitter also provided opportunity for food content creators to upgrade their trade by learning innovation and new technologies in the field.

Hosted by FoodbyHilda and co-hosted by media personality, Latasha Ngwube, the conversation was anchored around the theme, “Creating Ease for Work-Life balance in the Nigerian Culinary Indust”

Chief Executive Officer of FoodbyHilda, Hilda Baci reiterated the purpose of the conversation to enable players share their experiences on digital innovation, work life balance and business growth. 

The programme featured impressive line-up of culinary content creators including Winifred Nwania of Zeelicious Foods; Sisi Yemmie and Matse Uwase of Matse cooks.

Others were Omoyecooks and Gina Ekikhodi Ojo of Geena foodies and spice, all of who shared their views in a panel session.

The specialists called for support from spouses, advising enthusiasts to discuss compromises to make it easier to achieve balance. 

They also advised on resisting the urge to follow every trend by constantly reinventing their offerings, and define purpose without neglecting self-care. 

According to them, this will boost professionalism among budding food content creators.

Speakers also seized the occasion to highlight their challenges and opportunities in the sector and how they were able to maintain a balanced lifestyle, amid the task of cooking and creating content. 

Baci also informed that her forthcoming cooking marathon starting on April 28 would break Tata’s Guinness book of record for the longest cooking marathon.

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