Cleric Seeks Peaceful Transition of Power in Nigeria

Okon Bassey in Uyo

Worried by political tension  mounting in the country, a clergy, Apostle John Okoriko has called on Nigerians, especially Christians to pray for peaceful transfer of power in the country.

Apostle Okoriko who is the Founder of Solid Rock Kingdom Church, Akwa Ibom State, made the call while fielding questions from Jòurnalists in Uyo.

He expressed concern over the tension building up across the country considering  the outcome of the  2023 general election, especially the presidential poll.

He stressed that as some candidates, dissatisfied over the outcome of the elections results have approached the Tribunal to seek redress, that there was need for prayers to avert any turbulence before or after the ruling of the Tribunal.

“I told members of this Church about two Sundays ago that Christians have to pray, to avert any form of violence in the country. And I have been praying over the issue” Apostle Okoriko stressed.

Asked if he believes in the judiciary to give Nigerians justice regarding the elections, the man of God simply responded: “I don’t want to preempt the court judgement. Whatever will be the decision of the Court we will stand by it.”

On his expectation from Akwa Ibom State governor-elect his fellow clergyman, Pastor Umo  Eno, Apostle Okoriko said combining the governor  and  pastor responsibilities would be challenging, but, assured   the people that Eno would meet their expectation.

He, however, regretted that some aggrieved politicians bent on frustrating Umo Eno from becoming a governor have gone to Court again after he was declared the governor-elect of the March 18, 2023 poll.

His  words: “However, my joy is that for the first time a clergyman will be a governor in Akwa Ibom State. He is one of us. And expect him to do better than the incumbent governor who is a Deacon. So I am praying for him to succeed.

“Everyone is looking up to him,so he must protect the title “Pastor” he is carrying. The governor position is challenging no doubt, but I believe Umo Eno will meet the expectations of Akwa Ibom people.”

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