WISCAR Appoints Enitan Ibironke as Executive Secretary

Mary Nnah

Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR), a leading not-for-profit and non-governmental organisation have announced the appointment of Ms. Enitan Ibironke as its new Executive Secretary.

In her role as Executive Secretary, Ms. Enitan Ibironke assumes responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day administration of WISCAR’s strategy implementation and programmes management, working closely with the WISCAR Advisory Board and staff to continue to meet the objectives of the organisation.

WISCAR is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, focused on empowering and developing professional women to contribute to the development and growth in Nigeria and indeed Africa. With a vision of ‘’Developing women to build a better nation, WISCAR advocates for Gender Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity, and Parity in the workplace in line with SDG Goal 5.

The Founder/ Chairperson of WISCAR, Mrs. Amina Oyagbola, made this announcement at the 2022 WISCAR Annual Leadership and Mentoring Conference that was held on 10th December 2022. 

She also announced the transition of Mrs. Fabia Ogunmekan, WISCAR Executive Director. She said “Indeed, Time does fly! I distinctly remember welcoming Ogunmekan to the WISCAR family five years ago! 

“Today we announce her transition, as Fabia Ogunmekan WISCAR, Executive Director hands over the baton after five years of Executive leadership to a worthy successor Ms. Enitan Ibironke.’’ 

Mrs. Oyagbola on behalf of the WISCAR Board and Management, thanked Mrs. Ogunmekan for her leadership, hard work, and devotion to WISCAR and the cause of women’s development and wished her the very best in her future endeavour as she moves on from the helm of affairs while remaining a WISCAR Ambassador and active member of the WISCAR community.  

Ms. Ibironke effectively assumes the post of Executive Secretary on the 9th of January 2023.

Ibironke is a graduate of law from Lagos State University, and she holds a Master’s Degree in International Law and Diplomacy from the University of Lagos.  A seasoned soft skills trainer, certified etiquette coach, and a trained Journalist from the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Training School. Enitan’s over 21-year career trajectory has spanned various roles from law to administration and business development.

She is actively involved in development and advocacy and has most recently consulted with Seefar.org; an international development organization, on “The Migrant Project”; (a behavioural change campaign creating awareness about the risks and realities of irregular migration, while showcasing viable alternatives for creating successful lives in Nigeria). 

She is an active member of the Humanistic Management Network domiciled at The Christopher Kolade Centre for Leadership and Ethics, Lagos Business School, Pan Atlantic University, she has served additionally as a faculty member at the ISHK Tolaram Skills Hub, and a mentor in Women in Successful Careers.

She is a passionate social advocate whose joy lies in continuously finding ways to empower people with skills for success in life and career, part of the qualities that secured her the role of Executive Secretary at WISCAR.

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