Kogi CJ: Gov Bello Will Soon Make Magistrates Smile, Warns against Corrupt Practices

Ibrahim Oyewale  in Lokoja

The Acting Chief Judge of Kogi State, Justice Josiah Majebi  has disclosed that magistrates in the state would begin to enjoy a new lease of life, saying the governor of the state, Yahaya Bello was on the verge of changing their fortunes for the better.

Justice Majebi made this  known during an interactive session he held with the magistrates in Lokoja yesterday.

He said feelers from the executive arm indicated that relevant documents submitted to the governor  detailing the needs of the Magistrates were already receiving desired attention and that the results would soon manifest in the improved working conditions of the magistrates.

He, however used the forum to announce the formation of a Public Complaint Unit of the High Court which is imbued with whistleblowing mechanisms.

He urged the magistrates and judges of lower courts in the state as well as other staff to shun corruption.

He said the establishment of the unit was informed by the need to accommodate public view of the Judiciary and deal with complaints arising from the performance of lower courts in the state.

He explained  that  the enormity of the financial requirements of the High Court of Justice ecosystem was high and had been presented to the governor for which a commitment has been made.

He noted  that  unlike other courts, the High Court has 274 courts spread across the state which requires that a more deliverable attention be paid to it.

He however said he was glad that the government of the day was already giving that needed attention that would favour magistrates, staff and all other segments of the court.

He however condemned corrupt practices, noting that the Council of Judges had critically evaluated the negative effect of the menace on the integrity of institutions in the country and arrived at the conclusion that urgent measures must be taken not to allow it to fester in the  state’s judiciary.

He pointed that the Council would not hesitate in sanctioning any judicial officer or supporting staff of the court when found wanting in that regard, saying the public would be encouraged to maximise the opportunity provided by the whistleblowing window to expose errant ones.

“We have decided to set up Public Complaints Unit and give out phone numbers and let the public be aware that any of our Magistrates and Area Court Judges involved in corruption can be reported through that process.

“So we are encouraging whistleblowing and you don’t need to turn or work against it if you do what is right at the right time. You therefore need to be vigilant to know what is happening in your courts.

“We must always take cognisance of the fact that the judiciary is a public-oriented institution whose activities are always in public purview. It is therefore expected that we are always mindful of public perception as a measure of our performance and integrity,” he added.

The Acting CJ said the state already has 72 magistrates and wouldn’t be appointing new ones.

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