IG Inaugurates 10 Armoured Personnel Carriers to Fight Crime in Imo  

Inspector General (IG) of Police, Usman Alkali Baba, yesterday inaugurated 10 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC) and other security gadgets donated to the police by  Imo State.

 Baba commended Governor Hope Uzodimma of Imo State for his efforts in ensuring that security operatives are provided with materials needed for the security of lives and property of the citizenry.

The IG said no governor in the country has supported the police and other security agencies in the country the way  Uzodimma has done despite the economic challenges.

He said Imo State presents a unique security challenge and requires a leader like  Uzodimma who understands the importance of security to State and national development to manage the situation.

Highlighting that security in the 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) is in the exclusive list he said yet, the governor has given practical meaning to the sections of the constitution by demonstrating strong determination to assist Police through the donation and deployment of the security assets to protect Imo people and others.

He noted that the procurement and launch of the brand new APCs will change the security architecture in the state and make their work easier.

He pleaded for the continued assistance of the overnor in the maintenance of the assets for effective and efficient deployment.

Baba thanked the governor for the donation of the 10 new APCs and promised that they would be put to good use as they would go a long a way in helping the police protect the people of Imo State.

He regretted that the once peaceful and economically viable state has of late been challenged by insecurity, and promised that the equipment are investments in the right direction by the government of Imo State.

In his remarks, Uzodimma said his government will continue to be grateful to President Muhammadu Buhari and the security agencies for the sacrifices they make towards ensuring that Imo State is secured.

The governor regretted that lives of security operatives and innocent civilians have been needless destroyed by those behind insecurity in Imo State and notes that the APCs will assist the police do their work of protecting the lives and property of Imo citizens better.

He recalled that his government has invested so much in the provision of vehicles and other equipment the police and other security agencies need to do their work and noted that the government will for ever remain grateful to them for the sacrifices they have been making in the course of discharging their duties in Imo courageously.

Uzodimma said that there can be no development be it in the communities, state or nation without peace and security, and assured the people  that Imo State Government under his watch will do its best to protect lives and property of Imo Citizens.

He said despite all the efforts of his government and the security agencies “the sponsors of insecurity are not relenting in their nefarious acts aimed at making the State ungovernable.”

“This they are doing by engaging in all forms of propaganda, blackmail and mudslinging.”

He thanked the IG for being physically present at the commissioning and handover ceremony.

In his welcome address, the Commissioner of Police Imo Command, Mohammed Barde eulogied Uzodimma for his “uncommon dynamism, security consciousness and exceptional support and encouragement given to the command.”

He acknowledged, not just the governor’s provisions of operational vehicles which has enhanced the smooth operational performance and efficiency of the command, but  also the governor’s cash gift of N5 million to each of the 21 officers and men who lost their lives in the fight against terrorism in Imo State.

Barde also thanked Baba for his strategic vision for Nigeria which he said has helped the Police in Nigeria and Imo State in particular to accomplish all they have achieved so far, noting that the general security situation in the State has considerably improved.

In   a vote of thanks, the Imo State Commissioner for Homeland Security and Vigilance Services, Dr. Ugorji O Ugorji thanked the governor for making Imo State secure inspite of the distractions he has faced since coming into office.

He equally thanked the IG for being physically present to commission and receive the brand new APCs

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