KSM Launches Feed the Hungry Initiative, Reaches 7,000 Needy in Lagos

Rebecca Ejifoma 

The Order of Knights of St. Mulumba Nigeria, Lagos Metropolitan Council last Saturday, March 26, launched a fresh effort to collectively reach out to the needy in the society.

Under the new “Feed The Hungry” Apostolate, KSM Lagos Metro distributed food packs (worth N5,000 a pack) to over 7,000 persons across their 29 Sub councils in Lagos State, covering the entire Archdiocese of Lagos.
 Beneficiaries collected raw staple food like packs of pasta, rice and spices among several others, all neatly packaged.

“KSM ‘Feed the Hungry’ Apostolate initiative is a charity project to reach out to the needy,” said the Metropolitan Grand Knight of KSM Lagos Metro Council, Sir Don Ezeh.

 According to him, “we decided to refocus our attention on the people around us in our various parishes. Every Quarter we will distribute food packs to the needy – to put joy in their hearts, a smile on their faces.”
Officially launched on Saturday, March 26 throughout the 29 sub-councils in Lagos Metro, Sir. Don Ezeh noted that this Quarterly programme has received strong endorsement and support from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in various Parishes across the Archdiocese of Lagos. Our target is to keep on doing this every Quarter. 
According to the Metro Grand Knight, we draw inspiration from Matthew 25 – “to feed the poor and hungry as a specific injunction from Christ our Lord.” 

“We are covering the entire Lagos Archdiocese – which is the joy in doing it. We will learn more as we go along, and God will continue to bless each and everyone of us. Whoever has contributed to this – whether working physically or in any form of contributions, my prayer is that the good God will bless them.”

The Knights of St Mulumba Lagos Metro have continued to deal with several challenges in our society. A few years ago they built a Chapel at Kirikiri prison, built and equipped a Clinic at St. Albert the Great Seminary, Abeokuta.
Over the last 10 years they have have carried out monthly Prison visitation to Kirikiri, Ikoyi, and Badagry prisons. They donate cash, clothes, and help engage the judiciary and prison authorities to free prisoners awaiting trial over many years.

“This time around we decided to refocus our attention on the people around us in our parishes,” said Sir Don Ezeh. 
Admitting that there are a lot of needy people in and outside the church, KSM Metro Council resolved to do a collective project beyond its usual individual donations.

 “We took it upon ourselves to do a collective outreach. We are not stopping the other things we are doing. We are making sure we reach the less privileged, set a day dedicated to them and put a smile on their faces.”

Speaking at the Catholic Church of the Transfiguration VGC where part of the event held, the Grand Knight of KSM, VGC Sub-Council and the FTH coordinator Lagos Metro Region 5, Sir Dr. Ferdinand Odoemenem, emphasised that the Order is known for individual, group, and corporate charity. 

“We thank God for the answer to the clarion call by all Sub councils. It is quite inspiring to see that. We have pledged to ourselves, not because we have the money but because we feel God has blessed us, we must also spare resources to be a blessing to others,” said Odoemenem. 

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