UNICEF, NOA Call for Enactment of VAPP Act in Imo

…as Christian leaders pledge end to FGM in 21 Imo communities

Amby Uneze

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and National Orientation Agency (NOA) have appealed to the Imo State House of Assembly to enact the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP) to save the girl child from all forms of violence and abuse.

The agencies made the call at a workshop with community and religious leaders from Njaba and Isu Local Government Areas of Imo State on the need to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Imo.

Speaking at the event, NOA State Director, Mr. Nazzy Njoku commended the Imo Assembly for enacting the Female Genital Mutilation (prohibition) Law (No. 6 of 2017) and charged the State Assembly to expedite action on the VAPP Act.

He however said an enactment of the VAPP Act will go a long way in reducing the practice of FGM in the state to its barest minimum.

“FGM may not end without proper legislation and this is why we commend the Imo House of Assembly for enacting the Imo state FGM prohibition Law (No. 6 of 2017) and hope that soon, the VAPP Act will be adopted in Imo”, he said.

UNICEF Facilitator for FGM in Imo, Mr. Vitus Ekeocha said the workshop was part of the agency’s community-to-community dialogue with community leaders for the elimination of FGM in the 21 communities of the LGA.

Ekeocha who described FGM as a form of violence against persons stated the negative effects of FGM such as low self esteem and sexual dysfunction in marriage can further be avoided with the enactment of the VAPP Act in Imo.

UNICEF Programme Officer for FGM in Imo, Mr. Chigozie Orjiako urged community leaders to appeal to residents of their communities to consider ending the practice.

“Do not let your determination to save future generations of girls and women get dampened when you notice some persons around you who may not agree to end FGM.

” Let your love and passion for the welfare of the girl child be the motivating factor. Remember the slogan: “The girl child is best in her natural form”, he said.

Expressing appreciation for the workshop, General Secretary, women wing of Amakor Autonomous Community Development Union, Mrs. Onyinyechi Amaefule, thanked the facilitators for thinking toward Njaba LGA, just as she promised to help disseminate the information to the nooks and crannies of the LGA.

In his contribution, Ifeanyichikwu Nwokocha, President General, Eluama -Abueke community in Ihitte Uboma LGA where FGM had already been abolished, urged the community leaders to end the practice in the interest of the girl-child.

Religious leaders under the aegis of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in a communiqué read by CAN secretary in the LGA, Rev. Chigozie Nwaka at an advocacy dialogue on FGM in Njaba LGA described FGM as a sin against God, stating that the Holy Bible recognised the circumcision of only male children, and not the female counterpart.

He said that it was absurd for people who practice FGM to use the Bible for reference as form of defence on the physical oppression act to the female gender.

“As a way of expressing our support to the call for an end to FGM, we hereby declare that FGM is unchristian and not biblical, it is also against the laws of the Federal Government of Nigeria and Imo state.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ brought salvation to humanity and this includes liberation from both spiritual and physical oppression against humanity and we identify FGM as one of such acts of oppression.

“The holy scriptures command that men, not women, be circumcised. We will therefore work to stop the practice of FGM in the 21 communities of Njaba LGA”, he said.

In a remark, the parish priest of Holy Rosary Parish, Umuele-Amazano, Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Ozoigbo described FGM as ” a violation of the basic principles of Christianity”, while calling on religious leaders to correct the anomaly.

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