Gunmen Kidnap Taraba Lawmaker

By Wole Ayodele

The member representing Nguroje constituency in the Taraba State House of Assembly, Hon. Bashir Mohammed, has been kidnapped by gunmen.

Mohammed was abducted from his residence at Yamusala area, behind DSS office in Jalingo at about 1.00 am on Wednesday.

The lawmaker, who was elected on the platform of All Progressive Congress (APC), is the Chairman of the House Committee on Information.

Efforts to confirm the incident from the state Police Command proved abortive as calls made to the Police Public Relations Officer were not answered.

Meanwhile, family sources told THISDAY that the abductors were yet to make contact with the family as at the time of filing the report.

Mohammed is the second member of the Taraba House of Assembly to be kidnapped by gunmen.
The first was former member representing Takum I constituency, late Hosea Ibi.

Ibi, who was kidnapped on December 31, 2017 at Takum, was killed by his abductors after collecting ransom running into several millions of naira.

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