Akeredolu: Is the Ondo Deal Now Sealed?

Akeredolu and Tinubu

Akeredolu and Tinubu

By the time former United States President, Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, were leaving office, they were rated two of the most contemporary retail politicians in the American politics at the time.

One of the campaign slogans that stood them out at the time was their decision to steer clear of mudslinging and character assassination while staying focused on issues affecting governance and development of the US, in support of the democratic party’s candidate, Hillary Clinton.

To that extent, Michelle invented the slogan: “When they go low, we go high”, referring to the gutter ideas of the then candidate Trump campaign strategists.

That, naturally, reconnected with the already averagely abused minds like a wild fire, which sent some resonating and reverberating messages down the political aisle of the state, without impugning on anyone’s character, name or image. The message was distinct and in its own class.

Typically, and as it is with nearly every election here in this part of the world, the leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has continued to do everything to avoid any issue-based debate but instead descended into the gutters ahead of the September 19, governorship election in Edo State. Their latest infantile display of crass political immaturity, which featured the wife of former governor Adams Oshiomhole, is the lowest any individual could go – drafting a man’s wife into their murky, filthy, stinking and despicable terrain without restraint, common sense, honour, discipline and the requisite character for the office they collectively seek.

To also think that the news about Mrs. Oshiomhole being somewhat indisposed is not new to many of them on the stage, exposes their hypocrisy and indecency as well as the tendency to gloat over other’s misfortunes at political expense.

They simply do not deserve the office they seek, because their character tells it all. Only those above the board of petty considerations should be called “His Excellency”.

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