First Bank Organises Free Eye Tests for 500 women, Provides Glasses

Ugo Aliogo

FirstBank Nigeria Limited, in partnership with the International Women Society (IWS) and Vision Spring has organised a free eye check and provision of medicated glasses for over 500 women, notably widows.

The event which is part of the bank’s Start Performing Acts of Random Kindness (SPARK) initiative coincidenced with the Giving Tuesday which is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organisations to encourage philanthropy and celebrate generosity.

Speaking at the event, the Group Executive, Energy and Infrastructure, FirstBank, Mrs. Bashirat Odunewu, said that the bank’s corporate responsibility and sustainability activities aligns with the objectives of ‘Giving Tuesday.’

“Today’s free eye test for widows is one of our numerous acts of kindness to various individuals and groups in the society, being a part of the health and welfare arms of our group’s corporate social responsibility programme. It is our hope that today’s engagement, which is targeted at a significant group of women, would enable all to manage their various families, social and economic engagement better,” she said.

Odunewu said the initiative was in line with the bank’s commitment to fostering the development of women, stating that women play significant role that translates to the growth of a functional society.

In her remarks, the President of IWS, Mrs. Nkoli Ogbolu, said that it was vital to boost the vision of women toward removing impediments to their lives.

“We need women to see well so that they can reduce their poverty level, if a woman is blind, has cataract or glaucoma, she is impeded. We do not want such impediments; we want women to realise their dreams. I am very happy with FirstBank partnership with Vision Spring to raise the vision of our women,” Ogbolu said.

She urged other organisations to emulate the FirstBank by supporting healthcare, education and empowerment to aid socioeconomic development.

In her remarks, Senior Executive, Vision Spring Nigeria, Mrs. Tinuke Adeyinka, said that the screening exercise revealed that many women require eye glasses to see properly.

Adeyinka said that the organisation had been intervening by providing eye care for women and children in different countries.

She said that the organisation’s partnership with FirstBank had improved the eye sight of teachers, school children and also members of the Old People’s Home.

Adeyinka said that the collaboration had impacted over 15, 000 Nigerians positively in the last two years, thus improving their vision, life and society at large.

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