Party Continues As Obasanjo Hosts Soiree for Bola Shagaya

Olusegun Obasanjo

Olusegun Obasanjo

It is easy to imagine that the world is a rigid rectangle without the heart and humanity with which life often expresses itself. A good deed today may just be what the world needs to breathe again tomorrow, and goodness is never without its rewards – however long-lived time appears to be.

This is the case with Nigerian top lady, billionaire extraordinaire and friend of people great and small, Hajia Bola Shagaya. The business giant is the beau ideal to dissuade cynics and pessimists of the age-long belief that power corrupts and great men are almost always bad men. And many would have remained in the dark regarding the large heart and the undefinable depth of goodness in the possession of Hajia Shagaya without the intervention of former President Olusegun Obasanjo.

Recall that sometime in October the upper echelons of the Lagos society responded to the birthday summons of Hajia Shagaya, a bodacious and high-octane soiree that galvanized attendees and revived them to the opulence and resplendence of minty matriarchy. However, a few members of the expired Nigerian presidency were absent, among which was Chief Obasanjo.

According to sources, the former head of the state travelled overseas while the bash was going on.
Lesser men would send across a gift or two, but Chief Obasanjo is no mean man, and he demonstrated that fact by throwing another birthday party for the ageless matriarch. This one too – held at the Clear Essence California Spa and Wellness Resort, Ikoyi – was attended by very close friends and relatives.

The former president who has in recent times made known his distaste for loud and needlessly extravagant binges surprised attendees at every turn, first by being a buoyant host, and afterward by delivering an unaffected speech that left several attendees of the bash affected.

According to Chief Obasanjo, Hajia Shagaya is a genuine chum who has stood by him and his family throughout his rollercoaster years as a political felon and then political boss. Most important, she had not abandoned his late darling, Stella Obasanjo, while he was in confinement, nor when he lost Lady Stella. Instead, Hajia Shagaya has assumed the role of a mother to Stella’s son, Muyiwa, going so far as to underwrite the expenses for his wedding. Yet, she did not ask for single favour as remuneration all the time chief was the president.

In response, the elated Hajia Shagaya expressed gratitude for the honour done her and tasked everyone present to use serving hearts rather than scheming heads; that goodness is, after all, a golden goose. And it is.

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