As Ninth Parliament Opens for Business…

As Ninth Parliament Opens for Business…

The eight National Assembly closed business last Thursday at a ceremony, which afforded members to reminisce on the last four years on their performance as lawmakers and Nigeria’s development partners, particularly with regards to how they had partnered their counterparts in the executive and judiciary wings of the government to steer the ship of state. It was indeed a moment of emotion and history.

With that cleared out of the way, President Muhammadu Buhari is billed to reopen the legislature for business on Tuesday for the operations of the Ninth National Assembly to commence as quickly as possible, starting of course with election of its leaders, whose lead-up had been tainted with intrigues and high-wire politics.

One thing is however certain, the outcome of the elections of the Ninth National Assembly leadership, which has been sharply de-notated along unbridled interests by some leaders at the expense of collective and development notions, would ultimately shape the future of the government for the next four years.

It needn’t be retold how the mismanagement of the 2015 experience impacted on the government for four years. So, let those who have ears and refused to become the guinea pigs of history hear and act decently. The ninth federal parliament is hereby declared open in advance.

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