Felix King Bags President Trump’s Lifetime Achievement Award in the US

Felix King Eiremiokhae displaying his award

Felix King Eiremiokhae displaying his award

Mary Nnah

For an umpteenth time in 2018, the Africa rising entrepreneur-cum-philanthropist, Dr. Felix King Eiremiokhae, has been honoured with the lifetime achievement award by the United States of America President, Donald Trump.
Eiremiokhae was decorated with the honour in America recently.

According to the letter to the Honoree from the White House and signed by President Trump, the US President said: “Congratulations on receiving the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

“You have served as a model of the American spirit. Your many hours of service have strengthened the bonds of cooperation and trust that bring people together, while helping to address some of the greatest challenges of our time.

“One of our nation’s greatest strengths remains the compassion of our everyday citizens, who give so willingly of themselves and their lives for the benefit of others.

“Thank you for your enduring commitment to serving your community and our nation. I trust that you will continue to work for the betterment of others and even stronger future for the people.”

Eiremiokhae who had brought back to conscious of the people in Nigeria, the International Widows Day through the Felix King Foundation, works in empowering indigent widows across Africa and has won several awards and honours in that regards.

After receiving the award, Eiremiokhae stated that the least he could expect this year was an honour from his mentor and president of the US.

“It was delightful to be one of the African entrepreneurs and philanthropists to earn this award. This will only invigorate me to do more and help the indigent women across Africa,” he added.

Eiremiokhae started his foundation in 2015 without enlisting the support of people and institutions, but with key objective of giving hope to the poor and vulnerable widows and their children in communities across Nigeria through different programmes such as business start-up initiatives, farm aids programme, free food distribution, educational grant and medical aids are in line with the principles the people of Georgia live by.
In the process, the foundation has helped more than 1000 women and 3000 children.

In 2016, Eiremiokhae through his foundation presented a bill to the Edo State House of Assembly, to help more widows.

He is the founder of Mayor Biscuit Company (MABISCO), a growing biscuit brand in Nigeria, Oracle Experience, the number one 360 experiential marketing agency in Nigeria with capacity to compete globally.

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