National Hospital Commissions Newly Upgraded Executive Wing

Kasim Sumaina in Abuja

The Chairman of the Board, National Hospital Abuja, Patricia Etteh has commissioned the newly upgraded exclusive session of the hospital called the executive wing.

Speaking at the commissioning ceremony in Abuja, Etteh disclosed that the upgrade is part of efforts to position the hospital in terms of quality of services rendered and facilities available to meet best global standards of medical practice.

She added that the upgrade will also help reduce the number of Nigerian citizens or dignitaries travelling abroad for medical checkup or treatment.

Etteh, said, “With what we’ve achieved so far, there is nothing anybody will need to do outside the country that cannot be done here.”

According to her, “We have to put our VIP section into place, it has just been rehabilitated in such a way that there is no point for anybody to start thinking about going abroad for medical checkup treatment.”

Also speaking, the Chief Medical Director (CMD) National Hospital Abuja, Jafar Momoh, boasted that the facilities provided in the wing can be compared to any standard facilities in the world, and also matches a five star hotel in terms of quality of infrastructure.

He further explained that the executive session has six beds and is built to cater for those who want the best quality and at a very affordable price.

He said, “The function of this place is to provide a facility for people who would otherwise say government hospitals are too dirty this place is a center of excellence.

“This wing which we have upgraded can cater for six patients at a time on admissions. And the cost element is very comparable, this kind of facility abroad will be going for $2,000 or $1,000 per night, but what we are paying here is peanut, like 20 per cent”

According to Momoh, “We are trying to match excellent clinical services, attidunal change in our staff, with improvement in infrastructure, this hospital is 20 years old.

“So if we improve in our attitude, if we improve in our clinical skills and training we must also improve in the facility that the patients will enjoy when they’re here.”

The CMD also informed that in addition to the executive wing, the hospital has also procured additional infrastructure of which some are ready to be commissioned and is toiling to boost services.

“Additional infrastructure has been out in place, the second radiotherapy equipment is ready for commissioning, the main oncology building has been completed and ready for commissioning. We have acquired a top range radio diagnostics. We have upgraded our private wing to executive wing, and we still have our standard private wing.

“We are also undertakaing orientation and re-orientation of out staff in terms of the quality of attention we pay to our patients.

“This hospital started with 200 beds, today we have 420 beds and if the cancer center is open by January we are going to have 500 beds.” Momoh said

On Computerisation, Momoh also hinted that the process is ongoing, “softwares has been installed and computers bought.

“Already, the financial system is fully computerised and software are used to collect revenue and transmitted to TSA account and it’s very easy to monitor collection at every cash points by their source collector. We have also finished computerisation of the laboratories.

“The process is ongoing, it’s because of funding, we have to take it peacemill.”

The CMD therefore urged for increased funding in the hospital by the Nigerian government.

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