Psalms David : I See Music Like Fashion

Onukwugha Onyekachi Stanley, better known as Psalms David, is a gospel act who describes his journey into gospel music as a divine call. He talks with Tosin Clegg about going into gospel music, his projects and more

How did you start your musical journey?

I started out as a secular artiste with the name, Zbyte and I was under Premier Records. For me, I see music like fashion just as everybody sees it. But I think my switch to gospel music was a transformation that just occurred as I didn’t really plan it and I think it’s divine.

What genre of music do you do?

I do afro hip hop but my content in gospel music makes what I do now a lot different but the flow is still the same. One thing that’s unique about me is that I am myself and there is no replica. But if you are likening my songs to others, then I could have some look alike, but for me, there is just one of me.

Challenges as a gospel artiste?

I think so far a mark has been made that we need to jump into the music genre. What matters most now is meeting up, which I am working towards and as you said it’s a challenge and not a problem. As I see everything that’s a challenge something I can overcome and I guess that’s why I am putting more effort.

Tell us about your ongoing projects?

I’m actually going on tour, and I have some Australian tours to do. For songs, I have a song that just dropped and it’s on different platforms titled, Ginikachi and I have a video for it which should be airing soon and we have a lot of other products lined up to come out serially.

What are your projections?

Sorry to say this, I think the gospel genre is empty, but with some big names and I think the secular world is big with big names and they are maintaining it a whole lot. Being someone that moved from secular to gospel I’m trying to put some fame in it and give gospel a new look and get the opportunities I’m gearing for.

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