Access Bank MD, Herbert Wigwe’s Passion

Herbert Wigwe

Herbert Wigwe

Today, one of the fledgling non-governmental organisations, NGOs, to reckon with in the country is the HOW Foundation, the brainchild of Herbert Wigwe, MD/CEO, Access Bank of Nigeria Plc.

The national and futuristic global organisation, since inception, has been sharing the same passion and drives around malaria, prostate cancer and youth development with leadership and mentorship programmes.

It has also been initiating various seminars and workshops aimed at providing youths with support to push them closer to achieving greatness in their career choices.

The mercurial banker enjoys being in the company of children, kids particularly, whom he uses to serve as a leisure provider in his spare time. And this has always been what amazes many in their midst.

Described as a banking guru, he understands the rudiments of the business landscape enough to tame the odds and has been doing just that.

As a chief executive, particularly one dealing with intense pressures, he relies on many things, perspective and context, strategic counsel and courage of conviction and loyalty, which he guards jealously.
He wears his badge of humility in the shape of a subtly hued bow tie, thus affirming that he is a gentleman.

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