NCC Foresees Bright Prospect for Channel VAS Operation

Olabiyi Durojaiye

Olabiyi Durojaiye

Emma Okonji

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has said great future awaits Channel VAS operations in Nigeria.

This followed recent announcement by another major global investor, South Africa-based Ethos, to choose Channel VAS to invest $50 million in the leading mobile financial and data analytics firm.

Chairman of NCC, Senator Olabiyi Durojaiye, who made the disclosure during a meeting at the AfricaCom convention in Cape Town, South Africa, where he delivered a keynote speech at the event.

Channel VAS is a provider of mobile financial services, big data analytics and airtime credit services to mobile subscribers in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Europe, through internationally patented proprietary technology.

“NCC and myself personally will continue our unwavering support to companies like Channel VAS to grow even more and honor their origins,”Durojaiye said.

Also, the founder and CEO, Channel VAS, Bassim Haidar said: “Channel VAS has been at the forefront of the FinTech revolution through mobile finance from its very beginning, so working together with visionary investors such as Ethos will help us continue to expand our already massive geographical footprint at an even faster pace, bringing financial inclusion to more unbanked and underserved people globally through our innovative services.”

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