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Igwe: Erinma Oke Foundation is Building Next Generation of Leaders

Chief Executive Officer of the Erinma Oke Foundation, Ngozi Igwe tells Nduka Nwosu the story of the humanitarian body founded by her younger sister Nkechi Springs, in promoting the life of living for others which their mother Chief Erinma Ucheya Oke, exemplified in her lifetime. Excerpts:
When Ngozi Igwe, chief executive officer of Erinma Oke Foundation, defines her mission and vision as well as the innovative edge of the Foundation she leads, she captures the long trail that man has used for decades to reach out to those who need his services and humanitarian work, like the Biblical Good Samaritan.
Over the years Foundations or Not for Profit Organisations (NGOs), have become one means man uses to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich. Foundations, by definition, “generate funds, give support to other organisations for their own charitable activities and purposes. “They do not distribute their income to the shareholders, leaders, or members of the organisation.”
We learn that at the inception of the United Nations organisation in 1945, it created internal NGOs to help mitigate the devastating consequences of the Second World War. The UNICEF, USAID, UNDP, UNHCR, Red Cross International, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, Save The Children, Oxfam, and Greenpeace are all examples of global organisations devoted to help the less developed countries of the world and their less privileged citizens with emphasis on children, the infirm, and the hungry. These are very good examples of post=war institutions set up to advance the cause of humankind.
Down the Southeast of Nigeria, medical missions have become extremely popular in the annual pilgrimage to help the medically handicapped. Private individuals are known to float foundations in memory of their loved ones who in life dedicated themselves to the service of humanity.
This is where Igwe and her younger sister and founder of the Erinma Oke Foundation, Nkechi Springs belong. A life dedicated to the service of humanity, it seems, runs in the larger family tree and this is attributable in part to early contacts by their forebears, in education and Christianity with the white missionaries. Chief Erinma Ucheya Oke is the matriarch of the Oke kindred; she is being remembered for her charitable deeds as scripted in the Christian hymn: “Only Remembered by What we Have Done.”
According to Igwe, the Erinma Oke Foundation is a dedicated organisation committed to improving the lives of indigent widows, children, and the elderly in our communites, Bende LGA in particular, and Nigeria in general. She adds: “We bring a passion for transformative change and strategic leadership.”
Igwe shares her experience on the job: “As the CEO of the Foundation, I have a supportive Board of Trustees. I have led impactful initiatives on behalf of this foundation, secured funding through donations and navigated complex challenges. I am dedicated to driving social change, empowering communities, and ensuring sustainable growth.”
Igwe is asked what philanthropy means to her. Beyond the maternal, role model factor, she confesses philanthropy is in her soul, her blood stream. Adds Igwe: “I embraced philanthropy witnessing the needs of others firsthand; in all this my personal values come into play; we want to impact society the way my mother did while she was on this planet. She is our role model in the family and her good works resonate all the time. She lit a candle that is still a shining light in her part of the world. Hers was a journey of compassion, generosity, and commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of all those who met her and needed to be lifted. She was a mother in Israel.”
Still on Chief Erinma Ucheya Oke, Igwe continues with her narrative: “She lived her active life lifting and upholding the less privileged in her immediate community and we her children stepped in to continue with the golden footsteps or if you like footprints she walked, bringing hope and solace to the growing number of vulnerable people around us.
“We are fully aware of the potentials of our vulnerable citizens, and we are determined to safeguard those bright futures that will otherwise be wasted if completely ignored. We are doing everything within our power to continue with the legacies she left behind. This is the reason the foundation is named after her.”
Igwe continues: “I have been using the pronoun “we.” This Foundation is just a dream of just one out of the eight children of our mother, by name Ms. Nkechi Springs. She lives in the USA. She called me one day and shared her dream with me and requested that I take up the mantle of leadership of the Foundation. Six people of different professions and locations were appointed into the board of trustees of the Foundation. Nkechi Springs has been funding the Foundation and its activities single handedly. In 2022, she organised a launch of the Foundation in Maryland USA and people donated towards the venture. Here is what she said about her mother Chief Oke: “My mom was a force! I don’t even know how to describe her. It all started with my grandma, Ugo was tall and very pretty. They called her…Oguzo Oka! She was very tall and had a presence. She didn’t have a male child but turned my mom into a man. My mom was a building contractor. I got into real estate from what I learned from her. I named my last child Ugo because she reminds me of my grandma.”
According to Igwe: “Other children of our mother have been contributing and helping in publicising our activities. I must say all hands are on deck to see to the success of this Foundation.”
Is the Erinma Oke Foundation affiliated to any global donor agency or it totally relies on its internally generated resources from its founder and sponsors? Igwe says for now it is not affiliated to any known donor agency but that as its activities expand, it would solicit for international grants from such agencies while it has restricted its campaign for funds to private individuals.
“We have started soliciting for funds through individuals, corporate bodies, and donor agencies. We are seeking for partnership and support. This is important if we must achieve our aims and objectives which include the following as detailed under our mission and vision statements:
*To ensure a world where children, regardless of economic, and social background, can become educated, live a healthy and safe life, and are counted and positioned to be the next generation of leaders,
*To fight hunger in slums and schools that serve impoverished children.
*To meet basic needs by providing widows and vulnerable persons with clothing, shelter, school supplies and medical relief materials,
*To establish and fund kindergarten orphanages, pre-schools, schools, and vocational training centres, elderly care homes and similar facilities,
*To provide aids to kick start the livelihood of vulnerable young people and widows,
*To help widows achieve financial stability, self-sufficiency and contribute to their families and communities,
*To support programmes that improve livelihood for widows and orphans, the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
Just recently, the Mayor of Aba South, Uchechukwu Wogu, received ICT items as part of the Foundation’s contribution in a partnership arrangement with the Aba South LGA; the aim, it is understood, is to set up an ICT Centre to be known as Chief Erinma Ucheya Oke ICT Centre. Wogu was glad his LGA was partnering with the Erinma Oke Foundation and hoped such partnership would lead to greater development projects in the ICT training sector. Among the early beneficiaries were councilors, heads of departments and other staff of the council area. Wogu was so inspired he said he would stretch his training programme to Primary 3 pupils in the LGA
He was worried that many people were living in the 1970s oblivious of the fact the world had moved out of the Stone Age and was now compliant with 21st century innovations in science and technology. He vowed to change this narrative with the Erinma Ucheya Oke Foundation led by Igwe.
The Foundation was invited to subsequent events involving the launching of projects executed in Aba South LGA by the Alex Otti led administration.
In Easter, the Foundation, which is barely four years from inception, empowered 109 women with palliatives that made their hearts glow with joy during the festive season.
The Foundation is indeed living up to the worthy life of Chief Erinma Ucheya Oke.
Igwe’s perception of her country is no less worrisome like many ordinary Nigerians have posited at one time or the other. Nigeria as a country, even with her blooming population, boasts of nothing but people living below a subsistence life of extreme poverty, Igwe asserts. A recent study, she discloses, shows there are at least 120 million Nigerians made up of vulnerable widows and another 25 million mostly children facing malnourishment, health issues, academic, financial, and social challenges.
The founder Ms. Springs, runs an after-school music programme –Hit Me With Music for young and talented minds in the city of Baltimore Maryland.
In her words, “the programme provides enriching and transformative musical experiences for children, regardless of their background or financial situation. She observes that, “at Hit Me with Music Foundation, are our dedicated team of passionate and talented individuals, the heartbeat of our organisation. Each member brings a unique blend of expertise, enthusiasm, and shared love for music, working tirelessly to create impactful programmes and initiatives.”
A distinguished Certified Home Healthcare Consultant with over 20 years of industry exposure, Nkechi Springs owns several healthcare related businesses including Atlas Home Consulting, Atlas Care Connect, Atlaslesville, AtIas Home Healthcare Solutions, and NOW Behavioral Health, providing care for elderly patients and children in the state of Maryland and Arizona.
Renowned for her strategic consulting skills, she has launched over 500 healthcare businesses in the DMV Metro Area, offering expertise in operations, compliance, and business development.
With a bachelor’s degree in education, Nkechi Springs is also a successful Real Estate investor. In her Mission Statement in setting up the children’s musical academy, Springs says it is to foster the holistic development of Baltimore City kids through music education, and creative expression. “We believe every child deserves the opportunity to discover his or her artistic potential and cultivate a lifelong love for music by providing access to high quality music education.
“We aim to inspire confidence, discipline, personal growth, student creativity and community engagement.
“The mission is complemented by a vision “which seeks to continue to grow our after-school music education programme for Baltimore kids, to positively impact their lives. Through our music education programmes, kids will not only learn music but valuable life skills,” and other life impacting values, Springs concludes.