ANOCA Appoints Ngerem as Olympafrica Ambassador 

Former President of Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN), Dan Ngerem, has been made an Ambassador of the Olympafrica International Foundation.

Olympafrica International Foundation was founded in 1989 by former International Olympics Committee President, Juan Antonio Samaranch, in conjunction with the Association of National Olympic Committee of Africa (ANOCA). Part of the mission statement of Olympafrica is to promote the social values of the Olympics in Africa, most especially in the area of youth sports development, youth centres, education, health, training, and social economical initiatives. It is expected that it will impact in the lives of athletes when their sports careers are over. 

ANOCA President, Moustapha Berraf, in a letter of appointment to Mr. Ngerem, said the body was  banking on expertise, dedication and passion of the former AFN Chief for sports to bring a positive change to African youths. 

Speaking on joining the ambassador’s club for the organisation with headquarters in Dakar, Senegal who are ready to host the Youth Olympics in 2026, Mr. Ngerem noted that his interest is to see that youths are empowered through sports and when it is all over they would have something to fall back on and have a decent living. 

“By 2030 Africa will constitute over 42 percentage of global youths according to World Economic Forum and I am pleased that the Olympafrica is at the epicenter of reinventing youth engagement, youth empowerment, nurturing our youths through sports,” said Mr. Ngerem 

“I’ve partnered Olympafrica in some projects and so I am particularly pleased to act as an ambassador to Olympafrica to foster this excellent engagement. 

“Indeed the empowerment vision in Africa is the gold standard others should copy and paste.

“Why am I interested? Because there should be life after sports, sustainable, fruitful life after sports, because the ovation will stop one day,” concludes the former AFN President.

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