Organisations Urged to Embrace Remote Work Culture

Omolabake Fasogbon

Business organisations have been urged to accept the new reality of   remote working.

This, they were enjoined to adjust their operations to align with the new trend.  They were equally advised to direct investment to modern technology tools and build capacity of their workforce to be able to effectively maximise the new business model that was said to have effects on overall business goals.

Speaking at the virtual conference of the National Institute of Office Administrators and Information Managers (NIOAIM), recently, Head of Department of Business and Entrepreneurship Education, Kwara State University, Dr. Lawrence Ademiluyi, asserted that traditional office practices were already outdated, noting that organisations averse to change would be left behind. 

In particular, the don asserted that embracing digital operations had proven to simplify business management and administration, also at a friendly cost. 

“Beyond cost efficiency, embracing remote work holds immense promise for unlocking new opportunities, while opening up new frontiers for innovation and collaboration.

“Leveraging the right tools like cloud based collaboration tools and platforms, employees can share, edit and work together on a project. This enhances teamwork, collaboration, efficiency, sense of importance, unity and common purposes among employees,” he said. 

Also speaking on Office Administration and Information Management in Digital Era, Head, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Ilorin, Prof. Adeyinka Tella, submitted that contemporary office management and administration had traversed a dynamic business environment, requiring automation and digital tools are to streamline workflows. 

He identified information management as an essentiality of contemporary office administration, emphasising the importance of linking both beyond just increasing productivity. 

“At this juncture, every organisation needs to invest heavily on employee training and development to enable them adapt to technological changes to be able to navigate the global space and work remotely”. 

Earlier in his opening address, Vice Chancellor, Lead City University Ibadan and Chief Host, Prof. Kabiru Adeyemo, explained that the conference was apt given the dynamism of works further driven by technological evolution. 

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