Stella Okotete Remains Unperturbed

When her name was penned down as a minister-designate, but was not cleared by the Department of State Services (DSS) for onward screening by the Senate, Stella Okotete, surprisingly was unperturbed. Rather she moved on and remained focused, refusing to hold grudges against anyone or blame anyone for the misadventure.

The woman, despite this, has continued to learn and contribute her quota to the country’s development in her capacity as a top echelon at Nigeria Export-Import Bank (NEXIM). Irrespective of naysayers’ attempts to discredit her and cast aspersions on her, she remained focused, using her weight to enhance technological empowerment for women through training for businesses to engage in the exportation of goods and services to earn forex.

While she has received commendations for this; she continues to be a strong advocate for driving investment to Nigeria and developing youths through mental health development, digital transformation in women and women’s participation in politics for national development.

According to sources; with her wealth of knowledge, she is being pencilled down to serve in a bigger capacity; but her detractors are employing every tactic to ensure she is pulled down again.

Her background’s success story resonates with that of the proverbial child born under the lucky star. Living in a male-dominated world is more reason for her to remain solid and firm, and stay ahead of her game to become a force to reckon with, thereby grounding the cliché woven around women who limit their ability to soar higher.

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