NNPCL/CBN controversy: Group cautions activists against misuse of protest.

The Coalition of Civil Society Organisations has cautioned some activists against misusing of protests for personal gains against public institutions.

The Co-convener of the group, Mr Declan Ihekaire made this known at a news conference on Tuesday in Lagos.

Ihekaire said some activists had allegedly embarked on protests to blackmail the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (NNPCL) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) leaderships.

The co-covener said the current security challenges in Abuja should necessitate a responsible approach to protests, avoiding actions that might lead to security breaches.

He said the group found it necessary to address instances where activism deviated into avenues for personal enrichment and unwarranted attacks on critical institutions.

He said: “Their planned protests, coupled with false accusations on national TV, indicate a sinister agenda aimed at coercing the agencies into negotiations where criminal demands can be made for personal gains.

“While genuine activism is welcomed, we find it necessary to address instances where activism deviates into avenues for personal enrichment and unwarranted attacks on critical institutions.

“Our commitment to transparency in governance is unwavering, advocating thorough investigation of any allegations of wrongdoing within public institutions, including the NNPCL and CBN.

Ihekaire emphasised the importance of maintaining a fair and impartial approach to allegations against public officials.

The co-covener said matters of this nature should be appropriately addressed through law enforcement agencies and the judiciary to ensure a just and objective process.

He said Nigerians should be vigilant and discerning in the face of such actions by career anti-corruption crusaders.

The co-covener urged Adeyanju and his group to cease activities that could jeopardise security and refrain from attempting to manipulate public sentiments.

He said the group remained committed to the principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance, encouraging all stakeholders to act responsibly for the collective benefit of the country.

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