Ekiti First Lady Urges Parents to Protect Children against Abuses

Gbenga Sodeinde in Ado Ekiti

The Ekiti State First Lady, Mrs. Oyebanji, yesterday hosted thousands of children to an impressive Christmas party, urging parents to take care of the future leaders (the children).

At this year’s Christmas party, held for the children at the Ekiti Parapo Pavilion, Ado Ekiti, Mrs. Oyebanji celebrated the kids whom she described as “very precious gifts of God that must be well taken care of.”

The first lady was joined by the state Deputy Governor, Chief Monisade Afuye; Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Dr. Habibat Adubiaro; wife of the Speaker of Ekiti State House of Assembly, Mrs. Adenike Aribasoye; All Progressives Congress (APC) state Women Leader,. Mrs. Caroline Egunlusi, and female members of the State Executive Council to celebrate with the children.

She congratulated the children and their parents for witnessing another yuletide season, thanking the parents for taking care of the children and providing their needs.

The governor’s wife equally charged the parents to inculcate in their children the virtues of love for one’s neighbours and giving to the less privileged

The first lady, however, urged the parents to always be on guard and protect their children against all forms of abuse, noting that the state government frowns against abuse and violation of the rights of the children.

She said: “Parents should remember the less privileged and give food to those who don’t have what to eat. Let us bend backwards to the less privileged; whatever you have, share with others who don’t have, especially in the spirit of the season

“Let us also instill in our children the values of generosity and giving, so that it will become part of them, and when they do so, the world would be a better place to live in. The greatest gift we can give is the gift of love.”

She also stressed that perpetrators of child abuse are individuals who are very close to their victims, which calls for extra vigilance to prevent the children from falling victims.

The first lady disclosed that several cases of child abuse have been reported in her office hence the need for parents to join hands with the government to fight the scourge to a standstill.

On her own, the Deputy Governor, Afuye, also identified with the children and prayed for them, congratulating them for witnessing another Christmas which she said offered another opportunity to celebrate them.

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