Reinstate Bazoum in One Week or Be Forced Out, ECOWAS Tells Niger Coup Plotters

* Mulls other decisive actions if demands are not met

* Imposes sanctions on junta

Deji Elumoye in Abuja 

Heads of State and Government of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) rose from an emergency extraordinary meeting in Abuja on Sunday with a call on the coup plotters in Niger Republic to reinstate President Mohammed Bazoum within seven days or be forced out by military action.

The ECOWAS leaders also called for the immediate release of President Mohamed Bazoum as the legitimate Head of State and Government of the Republic of Niger.

In a communiqué issued at the end of the Extraordinary Summit on Socio-Political Situation in the Republic of Niger read by the President, ECOWAS Commission, Dr Omar Touray, the leaders also rejected any form of purported resignation by President Bazoum and declared him as the only recognised and elected President by ECOWAS, the African Union (AU) and the international community.

According to the communiqué, only official acts of President Bazoum or his duly-mandated officials will be recognized by ECOWAS.

The leaders expressed strong condemnation of the attempted overthrow of constitutional order in Niger, and the illegal detention of President Bazoum, as well as members of his family and government.

They demanded full restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Niger and considered the illegal detention of President Bazoum as a hostage situation, holding the authors of the attempted coup d’état solely and fully responsible for his safety and security and that of his family and government.

In the event the ECOWAS’ demands are not met within one week, the leaders said they would take all measures necessary to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger.

“Such measures may include the use of force for this effect, the Chiefs of Defence staff of ECOWAS are to meet immediately,’’ the leaders said.

ECOWAS leaders also condemned the pronouncement of support by foreign governments and foreign private military contractors, while expressing appreciation to various governments and partners for their stance and solidarity.

The Summit hosted by President Bola Tinubu, in his capacity as the Chairperson of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, also agreed to appoint and dispatch a special representative to deliver the demands of the authority.

In response to the coup attempt, the Summit announced immediate sanctions on Niger including the closure of land and air borders between ECOWAS countries and Niger, establishing a no-fly zone on all commercial flights to and from Niger, and suspending all commercial and financial transactions between ECOWAS Member States and Niger.

Furthermore, assets of the Republic of Niger in ECOWAS Central Bank, Niger state enterprises, and parastatals in commercial banks will be frozen.

Niger will also be suspended from all financial assistance and transactions with financial institutions within ECOWAS.

Additionally, travel bans and assets freezes were imposed on the military officials  involved in the coup attempt, as well as their family members and civilians who accept to participate in any institution or government established by these military officials.

In his closing remarks at the Summit, President Tinubu thanked fellow leaders, Moussa Faki Mahamat, the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office in West Africa and the Sahel, Leonardo Santos Simaõ, for their active engagement and invaluable contributions to the discussions.

He said: ‘‘As we come close to this Extraordinary Summit on the socio-political situation in the Republic of Niger, I send my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your active engagement in our open and closed door meeting.

‘‘Your invaluable contributions to our discussions have got us this far and hopefully, we will achieve our objective.

‘‘The essence of African unity and solidarity is hereby reaffirmed. Our unwavering commitment to democracy, peace and prosperity is hereby resolved.

‘‘Throughout our deliberations, we have recognized that the challenges faced by Niger are inter connected with broader issues affecting our region.

‘‘As African leaders, it is our shared responsibility to foster stability and progress, placing the wellbeing of our people at the forefront of our endeavours, and working together towards their prosperity and happiness must always consistently, be our goals and consistently.

‘‘We will stand with our people in freedom and our commitment to the rule of law and not the barrel of gun. Africa has come of age. 

‘‘We reject coup and interruption to constitutional order. Thank you for coming.”

Presidents Patrice Talon of Benin Republic,  Alassane Ouattara of Cote d’Ivoire, Adama Barrow of The Gambia, Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana, Embalo of Guinea Bissau, Macky Sall of Senegal and Faure Gnassingbé of Togo attended the Summit, while the Presidents of Cape Verde, Liberia, Niger and  Sierra Leone were represented. 

The full text of the ECOWAS communiqué read by ECOWAS Commission President, Dr Touray:

“The extraordinary summit was convened in response to the latest political developments in the Republic of Nigeria. 

“The authority having received the memorandum of the President of the ECOWAS commission on the political situation in the Republic of Nigeria, extensively discussed the latest developments in the Republic of Niger, that have been marked by an attempted overthrow by members of the presidential guard of the constitutional order in the Republic of Nigeria and the illegal detention of the legitimate head of state His Excellency President Mohammed Bazoom, as well as members of his family and government. 

“Recalled with appreciation the immediate steps that His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Chair of authority, has taken in the form of statements communiques, mission and consultations, with regional continental and world leaders taking cognizance of the condemnation of the attempted coup, and the illegal detention of President Bazoom and members of his family and government by the neighboring countries, the African Union, United Nations European Union United States of America, China, Russia, La Francophonie, the Commonwealth, the O IC and other partners. 

“Recall the principle of zero tolerance for unconstitutional change of government as enshrined in the ECOWAS and African Union protocols and other instruments. 

“Resolve as follows. One, His Excellency President Mohammed Bazoom remains the legitimate, elected president and head of state of the Republic of Niger, recognized by ECOWAS, the African Union and the international community. 

“In this regard, only official acts of President Bazoum or his duly mandated officials will be recognized by ECOWAS.

“Condemn in the strongest terms, the attempted overthrow of constitutional order in Niger, and the illegal detention of His Excellency President Mohammed Bazoum, President and head of state of Niger, as well as members of his family and government.

“Call for the immediate release and reinstatement of president Mohammed Bazoum as president and head of state of the Republic of Niger, and for the full restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Nigeria. 

“Reject any form of resignation that may purportedly come from His Excellency, President Mohammed Bazoum.

“Considered the illegal detention of President Mohammed Bazoum, as a hostage situation and hold the authors of the attempted coup d’etat solely and fully responsible for the safety and security of His Excellency President Mohammed Bazoum, as well as members of his family and government. 

“In the event, the authorities demands are not met within one week. Take all measures necessary to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Nigeria. Such measures may include the use of force. For this effect, the chiefs of defense staff of ECOWAS are to meet immediately. 

“Hold accountable, all those responsible for violence and terror against lives and properties of innocent citizens and residents of Niger. 

“Condemned the pronouncement of support by foreign governments and foreign private military contractors.

“Express our appreciation to the various governments and partners for their stance and solidarity with ECOWAS. 

“Appoint and dispatch a special representative of the chair of the authority to Niger immediately to deliver the demands of the authority. 

“In the meantime, the following measures are to be applied with immediate effect. 

“Closure of land and air borders between ECOWAS countries and Niger. 

“Institution of ECOWAS, no fly zone on all commercial flights to and from Niger. 

“Suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between ECOWAS Member States and Niger. 

“Freeze all service transactions including energy transactions. 

“Freeze assets of the Republic of Niger in ECOWAS Central Banks.

“Freeze of assets of the Niger State and the state enterprises and parastatals in commercial banks. 

“Suspension of measure from all financial assistance and transactions with all financial institutions, particularly EBID, and BAORD.

“Calls WAHU and all other regional bodies to implement this decision. 

“Impose travel ban and asset freeze for the military officials involved in the coup attempt. The same applies to their family members, and the civilians who accept to participate in any institutions or government, established by these military officials.

“Express appreciation to His Excellency Bola Ahmed Tinubu. President and head of state of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the manner in which he has conducted the affairs of the community since his election as chair of the ECOWAS authority.” 

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