SON Tasks Auto Stakeholders to Embrace Standards for Global Competitiveness

Gilbert Ekugbe

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has tasked stakeholders in the auto industry to take advantage of standards to remain competitive and relevant especially as the Africa Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) is on the cards.

The Director General, SON, Mallam Farouk Salim, at a sensitisation programme for Auto Spare Parts and Machineries Dealers Association (ASPAMDA) in Badagry area of Lagos, said the operationalisation of AfCFTA would turn Nigeria and indeed the entire African continent to one huge market, he said AfCFTA would provide for Nigeria the competitive edge in trading with other neighboring countries’ auto and machineries dealers. 

He advised the need to take optimum advantage of the emerging huge African market while also urging the market to always ensure that they are strictly into marketing and selling of high quality and standards.

“It is truly a delight to be part of this event and once again demonstrate the importance of this market to the overall economic and industrial revitalization of our country,” he stressed.

He noted that just like other big markets across the country, the market has become a household name, adding that the Standards body acknowledges the importance of the market and would continuously seek out ways to collaborate and carry along all the stakeholders of the very vital market in the business of standardisation. 

“We need your continuous support to discharge our mandate of ensuring that only products and services that are of high standard and quality are in circulation. We need to involve all of you towards ensuring strict adherence to the requirements of applicable standards in line with international best practices,” he urged.

In his words: “We all must ensure that only products that comply with laid down Nigeria Industrial Standards are available for sale in this market. SON frowns at the practice of cloning successful brands by unscrupulous businessmen to make quick gains, depriving the trade mark owners of their benefits.”

According to him, the SON Act 2015 empowers the agency to arrest and prosecute offenders, stressing that it would step up its ante to make it impossible for fakers to thrive. 

He noted that SON has been working in every sector to bring sanity and raise the confidence of manufacturers, importers and consumers, maintaining standards are improved and reviewed regularly to meet up with current realities.

“SON will continue to seek greater collaboration with private sector, especially the ASPAMDA, to sanitize the market, expose and prosecute those engaging in illegal activities such as relabeling and cloning of popular brands with low quality varieties,” he assured.

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