Rainstorm Renders Family of Nine   Homeless in A’ Ibom

Okon Bassey in Uyo

Pains as rainstorm destroyed the building  that accommodated a  family of nine, rènderìng them homèlèss in Inen Ikot Offiong community of Oruk Anam local government area, Akwa  Ibom state .

It was gathered that the incident, which affected the family òf one  Ifiok Monday Udo occurred on Saturday while the entire  family was in the farm.

Narrating the incident with tears ,  Mr Ifiok Monday Udo, who is a  father of seven children said the rain which was accompanied by wild storm and thunder  uprooted a coconut tree beside the house and destroyed the entire building leaving them homeless.

“The rainstorm was very severe that it blew down the coconut tree standing near my small hut that shelters me and my entire household of seven children.  If the incident had occurred in the night ,we would have been wiped away as the coconut just fell on top of the middle of the roof destroying the entire house.

“But thank God! We were in the farm . Even now that we survive , where do we put our heads? he cried.

Ifiok, an average man who always work in people’s farm for wages  said he has no hope of building another house as he can not afford building materials.

“ Since the incident happened on Saturday, we survived through the mercy of neighbours who gave us food because all our utensils and small foodstuffs we kept in the house have been destroyed.

“ Is it how I will survive with my family ? I don’t know where to start now. Last night we slept in church and today after service , the owner of the church ask us not to come back this night as there is a programme .

 Even our clothes and other valuables have been submerged in ruins of the fallen house . Not even clothes to wear  except the one I wore while in the farm . Please help me .”

Meanwhile , the community development union under the aegis of Inen Stakeholders Forum has urged members to send their token as a temporary relief for the victim.  

 The Public Relations Officer, Mr. Anyanime Umoren, appealed to indigenes and other philanthropists to render help and rehabilitate the victim and entire family.

“Please I am appealing to all of  us  to rise and support one of our Brothers from Inen Ikot Offiong , Mr Ifiok Monday Udo whose house was destroyed 2 days  ago  by wind and thunder storm. 

“The tornado storm and  heavy rain that  fell 2 days ago in Inen uprooted a coconut tree which fell on this little hut of Mr. Ifiok and damage the hut  beyond repairs  .

“Mr . Ifiok , the wife with  over 7 children were fortunate not to be in this hut when this sad incident happened.  As at Now , Mr Ifiok , his wife and children have no place to lay thier heads .

“I am appealing to every generous Inen man and other philanthropists to rise up to help so that we can put a roof over the head of this family,” he pleaded.

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