There are those who the general public mis-identify as “Christians.” These ones hide behind and surf the wake of organised Christianity. Amazingly, it is this posse that provides “doctrinal” and “intellectual” materials to Muslims the world over to continue to menace Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church.

Presently, Muslim governments and functionaries target Christmas for elimination. Muslim terrorists target Roman Catholic priests. In Nigeria, the federal police force target Christmas festivities and impose ban on fireworks and all forms of cheer and jollity. Boko Haram plus Fulani terror hordes kill reverend fathers, Christmas carolers, holiday-folks of all shades whilst burning church buildings down. Reno Omokri is anti-Christian. The Jehovah Witnesses do not identify as Christians. The God’s Kingdom Society (GKC) operating from Warri, Nigeria, is anti-Christian. The GKC probably influenced the Omokri clan.

Presently, when Muslim “scholars” vituperate Christianity over Christmas and the Doctrine of the Trinity it is very obvious that these “scholars” have peeked into the anti-Catholic materials prepared by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the GKC. Reno Omokri follows this “intellectual” trend. But the Saracens are taking huge risks to their faith drawing on these anti-Church materials to blast organised Christianity. I daresay that Roman Catholicism is the veritable organised Christianity. If this were not so, Satanists will not parody the Catholic Mass. I hope Reno Omokri hears me loud and clear. If Roman Catholicism were not organised Christianity, Satanists will not parody the Catholic Mass. It is the mystery of this Mass that the globetrotting Reno Omokri fails to grasp. Roman Catholicism has kept the standard of Christianity flying for over two thousand years and, now, in these modern times, religious barracudas are feasting on misunderstood concepts.

Roman Catholicism has had to build bulwarks against great waves of anti-Christian forces like the Saracens, Satanists, Freemasons, etc. These anti-Christian forces are continually morphing into formats unrecognisable from their original Doppelganger moulds but nonetheless anti-Christian: terrorists, weaponised migrants, multiculturalists, etc. True Christianity is Roman Catholicism. This means Reno Omokri is not Christian.

 Sunday Adole Jonah,

Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State

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