Election: NSCDC Launches N-Alert to Tackle Gender-based Violence

Michael Olugbode in Abuja

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has launched a Nigerian Internal Security and Public Safety Alert System (N-Alerts) to aid the reporting of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) before, during and after the general election.

The alert system was launched by the Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs. Pauline Tallen, at the NSCDC national headquarters in Abuja.

The event, which marked the third Annual Forum of Women, Peace and Security Sector Reference Group, had the theme as: ‘The Role of Female Security Personnel in 2023 General Election’.

The NSCDC Commandant-General, Dr. Ahmed Audi, said the new technology would also be used in reporting criminal acts that would likely be committed during the elections.

Audi said the level of proactive preparedness by security agencies in the country gives the confidence of adequate security as citizens freely vote for their preferred candidates.

He said there has also been a high level of collaboration among sister agencies which gives hope for a free, fair and transparent election.

According to him, “We, the security agencies, are on the same page; well prepared and ready to frustrate the efforts of those planning to truncate the electoral process.

“The police are the lead agency in election security. and we are going to be working together alongside other sister agencies, and I can assure you that it will translate to positive outcomes.”

The CG reiterated his commitment to introduce positive changes into the Corps through programmes and policies that would boost the capacity of female security personnel to compete favourably with their male counterparts.

The Corps helmsman promised the minister of his continuous effort to create platforms for the female folks to showcase their talents.

The minister of Women Affairs, on her own, called on all security agencies to protect and defend the votes of Nigerians in the spirit of one man, one vote, in order to give room for credible elections across board.

She said unveiling the School SGBV app would further protect the female students from sexual abuse, cultists and other forms of attacks in their academic settings.

Tallen showered encomiums on the Corps for its enormous achievements in developing the capacity of women generally, and called on female security agents to always give their best to the service of their fatherland.

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