NAWOJ Partners Lulu-Briggs on Girl Child Devt

Blessing Ibunge in Port Harcourt

The Nigerian Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Rivers State Chapter, has established partnership with the Governorship Candidate of Accord Party in the State, Mr. Dumo Lulu-Briggs, for the onward development of the girl child in the state.

Lulu-Briggs cemented the partnership when the State Chairperson of NAWOJ, Ms. Susan Serekara-Nwikhana, led her members on a courtesy visit to the gubernatorial candidate in Port Harcourt, ahead of the International Day of the Girl Child celebration.

Speaking during the visit, Serekara-Nwikhana requested continuous partnership of Dumo Lulu-Briggs for the positive development of girl child through several programmes mapped out by NAWOJ, Rivers Chapter.

She noted the benevolent concern of the Accord guber candidate on female folks, commended his style in encouraging youths to embrace education through free sponsorship.

The NAWOJ chairperson said: “Having understood your positive contributions in the lives of girl child in our society, we wish that you write your name in Gold through your strong partnership with the association, we will be able to touch many lives, especially out of school girls.

“NAWOJ having a strong partner like you will be able to move from school to school both in primary and secondary schools, sensitising and encouraging them to remain focused and resolute so that they are able to acquire the basic education needed for them to be useful citizens of the state.

“This partnership will also address some problems and challenges confronting girls in the society today, which are impediments to their well-being in achieving better and quality lives,” Serekara-Nwikhana added.

Responding, Dumo Lulu-Briggs pledged his support for a better and wellbeing of the girl child in the society.

The popular business mogul who appreciated the efforts of NAWOJ in their supportive developmental strides, said he has every reason to encourage the positive growth of the girl child, revealing that he also has daughters.

Lulu-Briggs who frowned at the deplorable level of state, said “We need a government that will provide opportunities for every Rivers person, irrespective of tribe. Rivers state is the most blessed state but we need to reawaken her to take her to her great destiny.”

Noting that the present politics practiced is war without conscience, he explained that “we are engage in that war against hunger, illiteracy, poverty. If we had fought this war sincerely even the issue of insecurity would have been solved.”

Lulu-Briggs assured his preparedness to create Rivers state of expanding opportunities for everyone irrespective of tribe.

In furtherance to the celebration, members of NAWOJ yesterday, visited Community Secondary School, Kpean in Khana Local Government Area of the state, where sanitary pads, books and other education materials where freely distributed to the students.

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