Oyo Gets New Deputy Governor, Lawal, as Assembly Removes Olaniyan

Kemi Olaitan

Oyo State Chief Judge, Justice Munta Abimbola, yesterday swore in a former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Chief Bayo Lawal, as the new Deputy Governor of the state.

Lawal, until his swearing-in, was the Chairman, Oyo State Housing Corporation and also recently announced as the running mate to Governor Seyi Makinde, for the 2023 governorship election.

The swearing-in and oath of office took place at the Executive Chamber of the Governor’s Office, Agodi Secretariat, Ibadan, Oyo State.

The event followed the removal from office of the former Deputy Governor, Rauf Olaniyan, after the members of the state House of Assembly, adopted the report of the seven-man panel set up by the Chief Judge to investigate him.

The panel, in the report, said Olaniyan was guilty of all the allegations leveled against him, which included gross misconduct, insubordination, financial recklessness, and abandonment of duties, among others.

Present at the swearing-in were top government functionaries like the Speaker, Oyo State House of Assembly, Hon. Adebo Ogundoyin, who led other principal officers of the Assembly, service commanders and party chieftains, among others.

Makinde, in a brief remark at the event, said the new deputy governor was chosen as a result of the successes he achieved in other capacities he had served under the current administration.

He said to his administration, the reward for hard work is more work, noting that the position of the deputy governor is that of trust while announcing some capacities and ministries that would be under the watch of the new deputy governor.

According to him, “I want to start by welcoming our new Deputy Governor, His Excellency, Barrister Bayo Lawal, to the Oyo State Executive Council. I know you operated from this Exco chamber from 1999 to 2003 and I am sure a lot of things have changed between then and now. 

“As we all know, you are already a part of this administration as the chairman of the Oyo State Housing Corporation. Your new position is evidence that you excelled in your role. But for us, as the saying goes, the reward for hard work is more work, and that is why we are giving you more work.

“The position is that of trust. Our masters are the people of Oyo State and our responsibility is to continue to serve them to the best of our abilities and deliver good governance to them.

“Let me encourage you to put the interest of the people of Oyo State first. You will continue to supervise the Housing Corporation even from this position. Also, the Oyo State Road Maintenance Agency, OYSTROMA, will be under your direct supervision.

“Finally, you have operated as the Attorney-General of this state before. So, the Ministry of Justice will also be under your watch. Our people expect so much from us because to whom much is given, much is expected. This is the campaign season but here in Oyo State, we will continue to work for the good of our people throughout this season.”

Olaniyan, while speaking with journalists shortly after the swearing-in ceremony, appreciated Makinde for nominating him as his running mate for the 2023 governorship election, saying his debt of gratitude was limitless.

“I have to give my gratitude to His Excellency, the Governor of Oyo State, who nominated me as his running mate towards 2023. My debt of gratitude is limitless.

“As you have witnessed this happen, I did not notice he was monitoring my activities as the chairman of the Housing Corporation, but it was manifested today.”

He vowed not to abuse the privilege given to him as Deputy Governor, as according to him, the position of the Deputy Governor is meant to advise and assist the governor of the state and a trust to the constitution and the governor of the state.

“This is a challenge to me as a person and to all of us in Oyo State to cooperate, with the view of moving the government forward in all ramifications,” he said.

The state woke up to a surprise yesterday morning, when the state lawmakers during  plenary presented the report of the panel for consideration.

It could not, however, be confirmed when the report was submitted to the Assembly.

The panel which was set up on Thursday, July 14, started and finished its work within five days out of the three month maximum lifespan given to it by the House.

Heavy security presence was observed at the House of Assembly complex with many security patrol vans stationed at the entrance and strategic locations around the complex.

No fewer than 23 lawmakers of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) attended the plenary.

The eight lawmakers on the platform of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC),however, boycotted the plenary.

It was learnt that the panel began its sitting immediately after it was inaugurated last week Thursday and sat all through the weekend.

The impeached former deputy governor had last week Friday raised the alarm that he received an invitation letter to appear before the panel about 15 minutes to the time of the sitting.

It was gathered that while the panel announced the House of Chiefs Complex as the venue for its sitting, it held its sitting in a private facility within the House of Assembly complex.

The lawmakers, after announcing the removal of Olaniyan, went on a short recess indicating that the office could not be left vacant.

While reconvening about 30 minutes later, the house presented a nomination letter from the governor communicating Lawal as a replacement to Olaniyan.

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