NNPC, APWEN Donate Labs, Borehole to Misau Primary School

Segun Awofadeji

The Association of Professional Women Engineers (APWEN), in collaboration with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), has constructed and unveiled a multimillion-naira well-equipped science and technology laboratory with a motorised borehole.
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the GMD/CEO, NNPC, Mele Kyari, said the programme was targeted at primary school girls aged eight to10 to promote the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as well as girl-child education.
Represented by the Chief Innovation Officer, NNPC, Engr Betty Ugona, he added that in living up to its corporate social responsibility, the NNPC responded to the call.
He added that the series of events, organised across the country’s six geopolitical zones, led to the establishment of science and laboratory centres in selected schools.
Kyari disclosed that the maiden edition of the flagship programme- ‘Invent It, Build It’, sponsored by NNPC, which has touched the lives of Nigerians in many positive ways, was launched at Sarki Ahmadu Primary School, Misau, Bauchi, on April 21, 2018.
He said a foundation was laid for constructing an ultra-modern science and technology laboratory at Sarki Ahmadu Primary School, also sponsored by NNPC.
“It is important and heartwarming to remark that the laboratory was named after the illustrious son of Misau, the immediate past Group Managing Director of NNPC, Dr. Makainti Baru, who was also an alumnus of this school.”
“We believe that the utilization of this laboratory will produce tangible outcomes that will shape the career choices and positive impact of our children,” he explained.
In her welcome address, the President of APWEN, Dr. Elizabeth Eterigho, said scholarships were awarded to 21 best pupils from 10 primary schools in Misau after conducting hands-on experiments with everyday materials.

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