Four Days to APC Convention, Buni Harmonises Sub-committees, Screening Starts Today

•Party inaugurates media committee

•Sule: APC govs have resolved their differences

•Uzodinma confident March 26 is sacrosanct

•Senate has no consensus candidate, says spokesperson

•How Buni saved Akpanudoedehe after caretaker members threatened to stage walkout

Deji Elumoye, Adedayo Akinwale, Sunday Aborisade in Abuja and Igbawase Ukumba in Lafia

Four days to the national convention of the All Progressives Congress (APC), slated for this weekend, March 26, Chairman of the Caretaker/Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) and Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni, yesterday, stormed the national secretariat of the party, where it harmonised the sub-committees and immediately after, inaugurated the media committee for the convention.

Buni, who got to the secretariat around 3:25pm to take charge of the office, arrived to a rousing welcome by members of staff.

THISDAY also gathered that the presence of the chairman at the secretariat confirmed that the party would commence the screening of aspirants vying for various party positions today.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Media Committee for the APC Convention, Governor Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa State, said the APC governors had resolved their differences and put behind them all the bickering witnessed in recent weeks.

In a related development, Imo State Governor, Senator Hope Uzodinma, yesterday, declared that nothing would stop the national convention from holding this weekend. Uzodinma spoke in Abuja after a meeting with President Muhammadu Buhari.

That was as the APC caucus in the Senate, yesterday, said it had not endorsed any of its colleagues for the position of national chairman of the party. And facts emerged about how a walkout by CECPC members to protest the presence of sacked APC National Secretary, Senator John Akpanudoedehe, at a meeting of the caretaker committee was averted. 

The screening of aspirants ahead of the convention, according to the timetable and schedule of activities, ought to have started last Saturday and ended on Sunday, but the exercise could not commence due to late submission of forms by aspirants.

THISDAY had reported on Monday that the delayed harmonisation of the screening committees had halted the screening. All things being equal, the screening exercise would commence today following the harmonisation of the committees set up by Buni and Niger State Governor Abubakar Bello, who acted while Buni was away.

A party source, who pleaded anonymity, confirmed that the committees had been harmonised and the screening would commence today.

According to the source, “We have stopped the sale of forms. The aspirants are still submitting forms, but the sale of forms has been stopped. The screening will commence tomorrow (today). The lists will be ready today (yesterday).

“The lists of the aspirants are being compiled zone-by-zone, as requested by the screening committee, so that it will be convenient for them during the screening. That’s what they are sorting out now.”

Sule stated in Abuja at the inauguration of the media committee and its sub-committees that the rift among the APC governors had been resolved. In a statement issued by the secretary to the committee and Special Adviser to the President on Media, Garba Shehu, the governor revealed that the committee had broken into subcommittees that had moved on to their various assignments aimed at delivering a successful convention.

Sule said, “The leadership of the party under Governor Mai Mala and the members of the caretaker committee are making every effort to take everyone along and I believe it is the only path for a successful convention and victory at elections. We believe in unity in diversity, and this is the mantra of our convention.”

Uzodinma reiterated APC’s readiness for the March 26 national convention after a meeting with Buhari.

Speaking with newsmen at State House, Abuja, the governor said, “On the APC convention, I don’t know what kind of sign you want to see before you know that the convention will hold on Saturday. As at yesterday (Sunday), all the sub-committees had started meeting. The screening committee, the accreditation committee, and I’m aware that they are only waiting. The venue is being prepared.

“So, I don’t know the kind of machines you want, whether you want caterpillar or bulldozer before you now know that there will be convention. I told you people that APC is the party to beat.

“It is the wish of our opponent to see that APC is scattered, or is not united. But that is their wishful thinking. APC cannot afford to lose what they have, because what we have is the trust of over 200 million people.

“And we don’t just have a choice, we must remain united to be able to continue with this programme. So, I want to assure you that we’ll have a very peaceful, very successful convention on Saturday. If anybody is thinking otherwise, well, that person should go and pray because God has already approved our convention.”

Senate Has No Consensus Candidate, Says Spokesperson

The APC caucus in the Senate said it had not endorsed any of its colleagues vying for the office of APC national chairman as consensus candidate.

Three senators – Abdullahi Adamu, Sani Musa, and Tanko Al-Makura – are contesting the position of APC national chairman at the party’s convention. There was tension in the red chamber yesterday, when the news went round that the APC senators had settled for Adamu.

A certain report claimed that the leadership of the 9th Senate led by the Senate Leader, Senator Abdullahi Yahaya, made the declaration last Thursday during the launch of Adamu’s campaign headquarters in Abuja.

The development caused serious confusion among the senators, as those of them, who were contacted, denied ever endorsing anyone, let alone, Adamu.

The senators said they needed the party to move forward with the emergence of an energetic person, who would be elected through a transparent process.

Spokesperson for the senate, Dr. Ajibola Basiru, when contacted, said the APC members in the red chamber had not endorsed any of the aspirants.

Basiru stated, “I am not aware that the APC senate caucus has adopted any senator for the position of the national chairman of the All Progressives Congress. I know that three senators are contesting and there was nowhere or occasion, when we took any decision to adopt any particular candidate.

“We would be very happy if any of them emerge as the APC national chairman on Saturday. The emergence of any of the three senators would be a good omen to our institution.

“At the moment, the APC senate caucus hasn’t endorsed any of them or agreed to pick any of them as the consensus candidate. Senators Adamu Abdullahi, Sani Musa, and Tanko Al-Makura are in the race.”

How Buni Saved Akpanudoedehe After Caretaker Members Threatened Walkout

But for the fervent intervention of the chairman, Caretaker/Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Mai Mala Buni, members of the committee had threatened to stage a walkout if the sacked National Secretary of the party, Senator John Akpanudoedehe, was allowed to be part of their meeting yesterday.

Members of the committee had in a leaked notice dated March 8, 2022, and signed by majority of the members, passed a vote of no confidence on Akpanudoedehe. His removal was to be ratified at the emergency National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting before it was cancelled following Buni’s return to the leadership of the party.

However, at yesterday’s meeting, presided by Buni, members of the committee insisted that they stood by the vote of no confidence passed on the secretary.

A source privy to the meeting told THISDAY that when the meeting commenced, other members of the committee insisted that Akpanudoedehe would not be part of the gathering.

The source added that it took Buni about an hour to plead with members of the committee, who threatened to walk out if the secretary was allowed to be part of the meeting.

The source said, “When they started the meeting, all other members of the caretaker committee insisted that the secretary cannot sit with them. But the chairman pleaded with them and they threatened to walk out if the secretary should sit. It took the chairman almost an hour to apologise on his behalf.”

The source said members of the committee told Buni they had been receiving pleas on behalf of the secretary from top ranking members of the party, including governors.

According to the source, “The committee members made the chairman understand that they still stand by the vote of no confidence they passed on him. They told the chairman that it was during the acting period of the Niger State governor, Abubakar Bello, that they really acted as caretaker members, because responsibilities were given to them. Buni apologised and pleaded with them that the days of the caretaker committee were numbered.”

The source said Buni directed the secretary to formally apologise to other members of the committee and to also apologise to Bello.

“It was on that note that they allowed him to sit with the committee,” the source said.

While the meeting was on, Uzodinma arrived at the party secretariat, apparently to plead on behalf of the secretary.

Another party source, who equally pleaded anonymity, said some of the governors came to beg on behalf of the secretary.

The source said, “The governors came to beg on behalf of the national secretary, for him not to be sacked. They want to give him a soft-landing, because if he’s sacked, it’s a dent on his image.

“Almost 90 per cent of the caretaker committee members voted against him. So, that is what they are addressing now. They want them to temper justice with mercy, so that he can rewrite the wrong. Other issues pertaining to the committee and how to fund the convention are being discussed.”

When approached, Akpanudoedehe asked the journalists to look for the National Youth Leader of the party, Ismaeel Ahmed, to brief the press on the outcome of the meeting.

Buhari Support Group Endorses Mustapha

National Coalition of Buhari Support Organisations (BSO) declared support for the aspiration of Malam Saliu Mustapha, who was vying for the position of APC National Chairman.

A statement issued yesterday by media aide to Mustapha, Mr. Dapo Okubanjo, said the group made its position known during a courtesy call at their campaign headquarters in Abuja.

The group, led by its Chairman, Mr Peter Oganto, said Mustapha was a product of Buhari’s politics.

Oganto said, “Saliu Mustapha is a product of Buhari politics, who stood solidly behind the president through thick and thin, and still remained faithful to the cause, in spite of the injustice he has suffered in the party.

“So, having gone round to see other chairmanship aspirants, we have decided to endorse him as the only one that can truly keep the Buhari legacy alive long after the president must have left office.”

Responding, Mustapha commended the group for their show of support, while also using the opportunity to outline his plans for members of the ruling party.

According to him, “Aside from what we are bringing to the table in terms of our 10-point agenda, we are the only ones with real experience of party administration.

“As a founding APC member, I have enough institutional memory of the party to ensure that members are duly rewarded for their efforts in building the party to what it is today.”

Musa Possess Requisite Qualities to Lead APC, Says Yahaya

Gombe State Governor Inuwa Yahaya said the All Progressives Congress (APC) deserved a visionary and highly competent person, like Senator Sani Musa, as its national chairman. Yahaya said Musa possessed the qualities that could lead the APC to victory in the 2023 general election. According to a statement by the media assistant to Musa, Nasir Mohammed, Yahaya stated this when Musa paid a visit to him at the Gombe State Governor’s lodge in Abuja yesterday.

He said, “The APC, in all sincerity of purpose, deserves the best hand to manage its affairs at this time and I am convinced that Senator Sani Musa possesses the right leadership qualities for the job as we head into the national convention.

“I urge Senator Sani Musa to continue with his consultations across all the party leaders and pray for his successful outing at the convention. I will be looking forward to working with him should he emerge the next national chairman of the APC.”

Musa’s visit to Yahaya, the statement added, was in continuation of his consultation with stakeholders and party leaders.

Musa and Yahaya spoke extensively on ways to move the party forward, especially, with regard to the March 26 national convention of the APC.

While presenting his agenda for the party if elected as the national chairman, Musa disclosed that he was fully prepared to bring about a visionary leadership to the APC and rejig the entire party architecture in line with international best practices.

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