With $290 Billion, it’s Elon Musk’s World



Chido Nwangwu focuses on the African heritage of the world’s richest man

The richest person in the world, an African-born mogul, is worth almost $290 billion. Yes, Billion.

Thanks to his entrepreneurial courage and visionary zeal, his leadership of Tesla as the top quality brand synonymous with electric and advanced battery powered automobiles and devices are changing the world.

Also, there’s SpaceX corporation for scientific research, planetary exploration and space tourism. And, a couple of other obscure but successful investments.

He is the one who famously said, “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Controversial and outspoken business titan, Elon Musk has driven and set a very high standard for the new generation and next models of the car business; and indeed of vehicular use. Especially, self driving automobiles and other new methods of transportation.

Fundamental for him are safety standards, environmentally-friendly protocols and clean air.

Those should be required of any new means of transportation here on planet earth, into space and other planets!

He’s been named TIME Magazine “Person of the Year.”

Elon is technologically creative and effective in defining his business goals. He knows, too, that there are millions/billions of people who resist change.
In researching him, I found this quote by him “Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.”

Elon was born on June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. It’s a very beautiful city. The architecture and landscape especially the Jacaranda trees I had seen on some of the streets — while I was on assignment in South Africa — several years ago.

Those trees create good shade and refresh the air which naturally strengthen the human ecology. I believe younger Elon would’ve walked or driven along some of those roads.
They leave you with you memories of environmental awareness and clean air. Pretoria has served as the executive/administrative capital of South Africa.

Elon has substantial investments in the area of artificial intelligence. Also, the man has donated almost $100 million to climate change initiatives.

I believe without any doubt, Elon Musk is in the driver’s seat regarding the automobile engineering, direction and building of the equipments and instruments to the coming future.

— Dr. Nwangwu serves as Founder and Publisher of the first African-owned, U.S-based newspaper on the internet, USAfricaonline.com

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