What most people do not know is that Kate and I have history. I have known her like forever. Right from when she first came into Lagos and dropped at Jibowu Motor Park, na me help her carry her bags and say welcome to Lagos.

Her beauty then was eternal. Kai, Kate is beautiful. What you people are seeing now is nothing o! She was tall, dark and very elegant. When she used to come to our office in Jibowu, people will be stopping and be staring at this beauty with long legs.

Over the years, she has built an enduring career, became an icon and positioned herself as a woman of influence far away from the air- head-screen-siren all over the industry.
I have watched her grow into influence, watched her grow into an iconic figure while still maintaining her beauty and elegance.

The other day, I saw her at RMD’s party and fear no let me go near her o. She wore this burlesque outfit complete with a fedora and appeared mysterious and quaint. I just keep my distance o, this one that they are looking like Zoro before they use sword to castrate me.

Anyways, Happy birthday my sweetheart. You remain to me, a bold symbol of maturity, elegance and focused leadership. God bless you.

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