FHI360 starts new EPIC project in CRS Supports Over 30 Health Facilities With Electronic Centrifuge And Generator Sets

Cross River state Government has succeeded in reducing the prevalence of HIV/AIDS form 6.6% to 2% as seen in the latest Nigeria DHS report. In April 2019, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded FHI360 the Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project. This five-year global initiative provided a strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to achieve HIV epidemic control and promote self-reliant management of National HIV programs by improving HIV case finding, prevention, treatment programming and viral load suppression in CRS.

EpiC is led by FHI360 and as the projects begins, the State reliable Partners have supported over 30 Health Care Facilities with electronic Centrifuge and 2 Generator sets.

Receiving the items on behalf of the CRSG, the Honorable Commissioner for Health Dr Betta Edu thanked the entire Management Staff of FHI360 for their wonderful commitment and support to the State. “I want to on behalf of my principal, the Executive Governor of CRS Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade thank and appreciate FHI360 for their immense support to us as a State, you’re live savers and i want to reassure you that these items will be used judiciously and for the purpose which they’ve been donated.

“I want to also use this medium to solicit for capacity building to help encourage sustainability. We appreciate you and will continue to work with you and give you an enabling environment to continue to carry out your projects in the State targeted at reducing the prevalence of HIV AIDS to zero with emphasis on eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV.”

Responding, Dr Frank Eyam appreciated the administration of Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade and his Commissioner for Health Dr Edu for the innovation and expertise brought to health system management as well as the tremendous support and enabling environment which has helped them to thrive and work effective. He said there was great need to support this facilities with these items to improve testing treatment and save lives. “This administration has been exceptional and we sincerely appreciate Dr Betta Edu for her efforts and support that has helped us to work effectively, her result driven nature is one of the reasons we’re excelling.

“These items are necessary most samples collected always fail due to lack of Centrifuge at facility. with this, we now have a remedy. The donated items will also help safe Blood samples at once provided they’re used for the right purpose. With this we can now ascertain the level of Virus in a carriers blood and we’ll know if the Viral Load is reducing to an undetected level or not.”

Facilities to benefit from the Centrifuge donated includes; PHC Igbo Imabana, PHC Aningeje, PHC Mfamosing, PHC Mma Effa, PHC Ikang, PHC Diamond, Biase Aya Medical Centre, Cottage Hospital Akpet, Comprehensive Health Centre Okundi, Model Primary Health Centre Katchuna, Bakor Medical Centre, PHC Ikot Ekpo, PHC Ikot Enebong, PHC Kasuk, PHC Anatigha, Hiltop Health Care Foundation, University of Calabar Medical Centre, CRUTECH Medical Centre, PHC Akani Esuk, Calabar South Peace Medical Centre, PHC Anderson, PHC Ekpo Abasi, PHC Essierebom, County Specialist Hospital Ikom, Melrose Hospital Ikom, Ekana Medical Centre Obubra, CHC Ikot Offiong Otop Okoyong, General Hospital Ukem, and General Hospital Ugep. While those to benefit from the donated Generator sets includes; CHC Ikot Offiong Otop Okoyong and Hinterland Movement.

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