Eddyosaman: Youths Need to Rebuild Nigeria

The hydra-headed challenge of insecurity facing Nigeria presently is a clarion call for youths to rise and rebuild their fatherland, says Adodo “Eddy” Osaman, CEO, iGroup Nigeria.

Eddyosaman, as he is popularly known by his Instagram handle, said: “The past few years have been challenging for this country as we daily face serious problems that tend to challenge the unity and survival of Nigeria.

Aside from insurgency in the northeast, kidnapping and banditry which were once prevalent in North Central have now spread to other parts of the country. These days, robbery and vandalisation of police stations have become intensified. Everyone gets the sense that the country is passing through a critical stage where every well-meaning Nigerian has to forestall the disintegration of this great country.”

Eddyosaman further said: “This is the time for young people who are the future of this country to rise and make a concerted effort to save their future. This is not the time for youths to be complacent. They have to start questioning how the country is being governed. They also have to kickstart the process of forging a new Nigeria by getting involved in every discourse that shapes the country.”

As far as Eddyosaman is concerned, “The strength of any country is its youth and Nigeria has above 100 million young people.”

The well-known advocate for youth and adult education and CEO of iGroup Nigeria, admonished Nigerian youths further: “It is about time youths changed the political narrative of Nigeria. This is easier done when they mobilised themselves into a cohesive political group with bloc votes that will sway elections in their favour. With political power in their hands, they will find themselves in the driving seat of the country and thus be able to determine the country’s direction and its future.”

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