Routine Maintenance for Radiator


Your car’s radiator and cooling system need to be clean to work efficiently and effectively. With normal wear and tear, your car’s radiator builds up deposits that can disrupt the cooling system. A radiator flush is a quick and inexpensive way to keep your system in shape.

You should have your car’s coolant system and radiator inspected at least every 12 months. It’s a good idea to inspect the system every 12,000 miles,/ 19312.128 kilometres, especially if you travel a great deal. Antifreeze (coolant) helps to protect your engine from overheating or freezing. However, over time the liquid can degrade. The fluid is also caustic. If it is left in the radiator for too long a time, it will eventually corrode the metal and cause radiator leads. You should always keep your engine clean by removing scale and rust and preventing corrosion.

Unlike your car’s oil, most of the coolant is not removed during traditional draining and filling services. In fact, these services generally replace approximately 50 percent of the car’s used coolant. The remainder of this fluid remains trapped in the engine and throughout various hoses and lines. Adding fresh coolant to used coolant can cause issues when scale and rust deposits become loose and clog coolant passages. This usually leads to your car overheating.

The cooling system in your car is what prevents your car from experiencing a total meltdown. If no coolant system was in place, your engine would eventually turn into a block of useless metal. It wouldn’t take very long for this to happen. Every part of your coolant system has one goal: to move coolant around in the car’s engine in order to absorb and dissipate heat.

Possible Problems with the Coolant System and Radiator

Coolants do degrade. Scale deposits and rust can build up in your cooling system. This can lead to:

Vehicle Breakdown


Poor Circulation

Some of the signs that your car is overheating is:

Your car’s temperature gauge rises

Steam billows from under your car’s hood

Hissing and pinging sounds are coming from your car

You can smell boiling antifreeze

If any of these problems occur, you should stop driving right away. Don’t start the car again until the car cools down. Additionally, you should not open the radiator or pressure cap. This could lead to serious burns.

If your car doesn’t receive proper maintenance services, you could experience issues with your coolant system. In many cases, routine maintenance allows you to catch small issues before these issues become huge repair bills. If you don’t perform routine maintenance, you could miss your chance to intervene with a coolant system issue before damage to your engine occurs.

Your car’s coolant enables your car to perform properly. Coolant can also play a vital role in the longevity of your vehicle. This is the primary way that your engine can eliminate excessive heat. If this heat isn’t properly removed, it can lead to diminished performance. Mechanical breakdown could possibly occur. If your car is overheating due to a cooling system that isn’t working properly, this could lead to performance problems and transmission or engine failures.

(Source: YHS)

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