Falah Sheds Light on the Role of Mindset in Business

Falah Sheds Light on the Role of Mindset in Business

Ugo Aliogo writes on Falah thoughts on the place of mindsets in Business

“One thing that people don’t talk about enough in business is mindset,” Moe Falah said. “It doesn’t happen overnight. If you haven’t worked on yourself, your personal development, the way you think and react, your approach to business, life, people, situations, then you will have a difficult time starting a company. If your mindset isn’t right, then your business isn’t right.”

But what does Falah mean by ‘mindset?’ It turns out there’s a whole field of study related to the development of the entrepreneurial mindset: the field of personal development.

“I started watching personal development videos as a kid,” Falah hinted. “I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, so I went online and got a head start. They don’t teach you any of this stuff in school, and most people whose parents aren’t business owners don’t know about it either. The entrepreneurial mindset is a very particular way of thinking – of taking total responsibility for everything in your life.”

A person doesn’t have to be an entrepreneur to benefit from personal development, Moe asserted. But he believes that people who really engage in personal development will soon be unsatisfied with living an average life.

“When you take responsibility for everything in your life, you take more and more control. And when you have more control, you’re able to decide how much you want to earn. It’s your decision.”

“Personal development and the entrepreneur mindset are the ultimate double-edged swords. On one hand, some people feel that the personal development field engages in ‘victim blaming,’ because it tells people they are responsible for changing their own circumstances. On the other hand, it’s incredibly empowering: once you begin taking that responsibility, there’s just about nothing you can’t do.”

And Falah is in a position to know. The son of immigrant parents who struggled to make ends meet, he suffered from racism and a lack of financial freedom growing up. But with personal development teachers from the Internet whispering in his ear, that only made him more determined to take control of his own destiny. Now, at 25, Falah is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of a company that did $25 million worth of business in its first year after starting in January of 2020.

His simplest advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is this: “Just go for it, don’t think about it,” he noted. “Trust yourself and your gut. You will figure it out. As long as you don’t give up, no matter what, you will always figure it out.”

Falah speaks from experience – as someone who dives in with both feet, he entered real estate and solar to name a couple of industries, with very little knowledge of how to make things work. But he had the one thing he did need: the entrepreneurial mindset.

“I knew I couldn’t fail because I couldn’t afford to,” Moe posited. “No one was going to bail me out. And I knew I was responsible for everything in my life, and that I could do anything I set my mind to. So I learned. I learned because I had to.”

Falah encourages everyone, regardless of their industry or career aspirations, to study the field of personal development.

“You have nothing to lose, and tons to gain,” he explained. “The last thing you want in life is to regret not trying something. So develop the mindset it takes to take control, to do whatever you really want to do. It is possible. You just have to make it about strategy and hard work, instead of luck. If you create a good strategy and never give up, you can’t lose.”

“Stay consistent and persistent, “continuing, Falah added: “and understand that nobody will work as hard as you, and nobody will care as much as you. And that’s okay. Because you have you. You are your own greatest asset.”

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