Anambra Begins Search for People with Covid-19 Symptoms


Anambra State Governor, Willie Obiano has said his government would begin aggressive search for people with symptoms related to Covid-19 in communities across the state.
The governor stated this in a statewide broadcast Friday night, saying this became necessary, as the lockdown in the state has been eased.

Obiano told citizens of the state that two testing centres had been approved for the state by NCDC, and that once the centres become operational, most citizens of the state would be tested for the pandemic.
“I am delighted to announce that so far, we have conducted 72 tests on samples out of which one only returned positive. And that one was the Index Case, who has been treated and discharged.

“So, at this moment, there is no active Covid-19 case in Anambra State. As a result of this, our next battlefront with Covid-19 is to mount an active search for people with Covid-19 symptoms in all communities in Anambra State.

“The NCDC, WHO and UNICEF have assured us of their support to ensure the success of this effort. So, I implore you to cooperate with our specially trained Covid-19 team, when they visit your community by giving useful information that would help them to get the necessary samples for testing.”

Obiano assured the people not to panic, saying it has been repeatedly proven that the pandemic was not a death sentence.
He said the government had taken some careful steps to ease the state from lockdown, after five weeks on keeping everyone indoors.

While the state boundaries would remain closed, traders can return to the market, teachers to school (without pupils), and civil servants to their offices, all with the use of facemasks.
He advised citizens to immediately bury their loved ones, who die, with a view to holding elaborate ceremonies for them later, in other not to over stretch the health facilities in the state

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