Lockdown Blues

For a restless man, this was not going to be easy. I had already given myself some form of isolation when I had thought I had been exposed by being near some high-profile people. I went into my house quietly, did not tell anybody and hibernated for some days.

My love for Afang did not make this easy as I always would come downstairs to the kitchen to splurge on the delicacy. So when President Muhammadu Buhari in the most boring speech I have ever had the misfortune to listen to announced the 14-day lockdown, I knew this was it. My people, we are expected to be indoors for 14 days with the hope that by the time we come out, those who have the illness would either have been cured or would have found themselves to the huge pearly gates in heaven and all will be well.

You know Nigerians na, all sorts of permutations have come out of this announcement and social media have gone on overdrive with jokes, comments, and all sorts. For me, the good thing in all this is that we seem to be handling this particular crisis very well. The fatality rate at two is nothing compared to the figures we are seeing internationally.

Even these two sef were technically not due directly to the virus but to other underlying issues. So I am in full support of the lockdown if it will reduce or totally eliminate the incidence of communal spread of the virus. So guys, let’s stay at home, it is such a small sacrifice to make at this time. Let’s stay safe.

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