Ayomide Odeh Heralds Allure by Ene

Allure by Ene is a budding Nigerian design brand, which kicked off out of passion for fabrics and the creativity that can be achieved through them.

Brand owner, Ayomide Odeh who recalled she was good with sketching designs in her head, combining fabrics and the likes, with compliments earned on her outfits, decided to make money out of it and turned it to a lucrative business empire.

Talking about how her creativity works, Ayomide said: “I love to look good and I derive joy from doing it once music is on and there’s light I can work 20hours straight. And what makes my works exceptional is the fact that it always has a touch of Ankara on it.”

Ayomide Odeh is also a fashion consultant and she uses her skills to also help clients brush their taste in wears and also combine the best of wears together for a glamorous wardrobe.

As regards the future of the brand, she says, ‘I want to be one of the youngest and most successful entrepreneurs. I’d also like to train more people so we can team up and build an empire thereby creating job opportunities.’

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