Asaba Court of Appeal Complex to be Inaugurated Feb 3

Ifeanyi Okowa

Ifeanyi Okowa

Omon-Julius Onabu in Asaba

Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, yesterday undertook an inspection of the Court of Appeal Complex for the Asaba Division, disclosing that the edifice would be inaugurated on February 3, 2020.

Okowa expressed satisfaction with the level of work done on the building project situated on Mariam Babangida Way in the state capital, noting that the court, when it becomes functional, would bring a lot of judicial relief to the people of Deltans who hitherto travelled to the appellate court in Benin City, Edo State.

The governor said: “We were here a few weeks before the Christmas holidays to inspect this project and, from what we can see now, the contractor has done very well. A lot of work has been carried out on this project.

“This project is due for inauguration on the 3rd of February which is two weeks from today. Although, I believe that there is still a few more things to be done, the contractor has given the assurance that within one week the project will be completed.

“Four states were approved to have divisions of Court of Appeal and I am happy that we are set, everything is in place as we will meet up with the date set for its inauguration.”

With a division of Court of Appeal in Delta State, there would be speedy dispensation of justice particularly at the appeal court level, the governor said, adding that the risk of going to other states and travelling long distances in search of justice would be a thing of the past.

The governor also inspected the nearby Traditional Rulers Council Secretariat project where he noted that its completion would provide a conducive environment for the traditional rulers to discuss issues concerning their kingdoms and to ensure enduring peace across the state.

Delta State Commissioner for Housing, Chief Festus Ochonogor, his Information counterpart, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, the Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Peter Mrakpor, among others, accompanied the governor on the inspection.

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