Jummai Blooms on Back-9 to Win IBB Ladies Closed Championship

From Olawale Ajimotokan in Abuja
Jummai Abdulahi profited from a back-nine charge to emerge the overall best winner of the 20th IBB Ladies Golf Closed Championship played over the weekend in Abuja.

The social secretary of IBB International Golf and Club, who played in the penultimate group on the final day of the tournament, shot a combined score of 149 nett to win.

The 18-handicapper coasted to victory beating 69 other female competitors.
Abdulahi put herself in contention with a composed play on the second nine. A birdie on the par 5 10th, and a bunch of pars on 15th, 16th and 18th set her up for victory.

” It was not easy, but nothing can stop you if you are destined for victory, ” Abdulahi remarked in reference to the dropped shots on holes 1 and 14- two holes that she double bogeyed.

A former Lady Captain of IBB Club, Adebimpe Usman was also in the winning way.
Usman carded 150 nett to claim the honour in the Handicap 0-18 flight category, beating another former captain, Faridah Wada by 24 strokes.

The Lady Captain IBB Club, Nanfe Audu, thanked the members of the club for contributing to success of the championship.
She added the lady section had agreed to support community projects, particularly children living in Internally Displayed Persons (IDPs) camp.

Minister of Women Affairs Paulen Fallen graced the closing ceremony as the special guest of honour.

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