Sanwo-Olu Condoles with Deputy over Father’s Demise

Lagos State Governor-elect, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has sent his condolences to his deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, and the entire family on the death of their father, Oba Mufutau Olatunji Hamzat who until his passing was the traditional ruler of Afowora Sogade in Ogun State.

This is coming as the deputy governor-elect has described his late father, the Olu of Afowora Sogade,  who passed on yesterday evening as a great man who committed his life to the service of the people.

Sanwo-Olu in a statement by his media aide, Mr. Gboyega Akosile, recalled the service of the late monarch to the people of Lagos where he was a frontline politician and lived most of his adult life adding that Oba Hamzat lived a life worthy of emulation and urged the present generation of leaders to make service to the people which the late Politician and Monarch lived for, the cornerstone of public service.

“While I extend my condolences to my brother, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat and the entire family, I must implore them to be comforted with the worthy life of our father and leader, Oba Olatunji Hamzat. He was a political leader of immense stature in Lagos and he played politics of service to the people as a member of the Lagos State House of Assembly in 1979 and as a Commissioner.

“He was a leader of men and women who came under his political tutelage in Lagos. He was for the progressive ideals and stood firmly for the welfare of the people as against that of selfish and personal aggrandizement. He was also a decent man who raised quality children and mentored a lot of young people. It is very sad that he had to go at a time like this when his wise counsel will be most needed. We are inspired by his example of selfless service to Lagos to continue to work to impact positively on the lives of Lagosians.

Meanwhile, the deputy governor-elect has described his late father as a great man who committed his life to the service of the people.

Hamzat who spoke immediately after the news of his father death was confirmed noted that the late traditional ruler served the people of Lagos State meritoriously as a frontline politician in the progressive camp as an elected member of the State House of Assembly in 1979 under the Unity Party of Nigeria and as a Commissioner.

Speaking on the demise of his father, Hamzat said that his father was a devoted family man, a statesman, a committed man of faith who mentored generation of people in different fields of human endeavours until his death.

“I thank God for a life well spent by my father. He was a great man who brought up his children with the time honoured values of hardwork, integrity and commitment to service. He impacted positively on many lives till his death. He played important roles in the politics of Lagos State from the days of Action Group. In the Second Republic he was a chieftain of Unity Party of Nigeria and was at the fore-front of progressive politics in Nigeria and Lagos in particular. He was called upon to be the king of his community in Ogun State much later in his life. He served the community well. His reign brought development and progress. We will miss him and his father figure role.”

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